Chapter 40: Don't Ever Text Me Again!

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Chapter 40

song: End Of The World Party By I See Stars

- Present Day -

Alex P.O.V

It's been a week since ive arrived in LA and still no reply from Helena.A couple of days ago the guys and I crashed Mitch's funeral (In a good way) and we discovered that Sammy was related to Mitch Ohhhhhh so that explains when she was acting weird in London. Today we begin our tour with Bring Me The Horizon, apart of me was happy that were touring but I really dont wanna hang out with Oliver Scott Sykes, he basically stealing the girl i love.Yes i did say love, im in love with Helena but i dont think she feels the same way about me.

"Lexy! we have to go now" Jack screamed

I finished packing all of my stuff from the hotel. But i can't stop thinking about her. Maybe i should text Helena

Text Message To : Helena

Hey Helena, i was wondering if your ok.I know it must be the afternoon around the UK, so im guessing your busy with Oli's sister. Just wanted to tell you that everyone misses you and they want to say hi and soon maybe you can skype us, if you know what that is. Im glad i met you and hopefully you can come and join us on the tour

Alex xxxx

Time to get on the tour bus.

* Stephenie P.O.V *

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell

You don't know oh, oh

You don't know you're beautiful"

i sang my heart out. Oh My God i just love One Direction. Turning up the volume up more i heard the stupid dog bark. Ugh... what does he want now! i turned of the stereo and walked down the stairs. Today i was going clubbing with my friends to the best club in London.


Since the whole police thing with the concert and everything i havent seen them in ages. So i called up my girls to go clubbing for a bit. but before i call them i need to check on Oli's stupid dog!

"OSKAR!!!!" I screamed

* Oskar P.O.V *

(N/A right this part is the POV of the dog. Yep you heard me , the dog. If you have ever watched the movie UP, the voice of Oskar is suppose to sound like Doug the dog from the movie )

where's the ball? ball? ball? BALL!!! I have found thee ball!! i love my ball. it is my only friend. my master Oli is away so the Thing only that can play with me is my ball.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy MY BALL!!! My human girl does not play with my ball and me so I have to play alone. I feel a flea in head

Scratch scratch scratch

Ha ha the flea is gone. Wait !

Scratch scratch scratch .

Now the flea is gone.

sniff sniff sniff.

I can smell something. It's smells of another

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY . A human that might play with me. I must go see.

-Down the basement-

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