Chapter 39:Time To Put My Brother Six Feet Under Ground...

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Hey guys, I hope your liking the story so far :) i just wanted to tell you guys that can you please listen to the song i recommend for chapter while reading it because it creates the effect and it doesnt sound good without the song. so please listen to the song while reading it 

thanks xxx

Chapter 39

Song: The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance

Sammy P.O.V

Today is the day that ive been dreading for...My brothers Funeral...

- Flashback - 

"Hey Sammy Why are you crying?"Mitch asked me

i looked at my brother's eyes and i felt crying more

"Because those mean girls keep bullying in me in school"

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my back, the ten year old me of course hugged him back.

"don't listen to those girls Sammy, their just jealous that their not amazing like you"

me? amazing?

"Mitchy im not amazing"

His lips planted on my forehead and lifted up my chin

"No matter what people say to you, in my eyes you will be the most amazing, epic sister that i could ever ask for and no one can ever replace you. I'm proud to be your brother"

- Flashback-

tap tap tap

The thought of Mitch in my head made me cry but i tried to focus on the knock on the door, after the guys and I left the airport two days ago i told the guys that Zack and I were gonna visit me family but i didnt tell them reason why i was going.I was standing, wearing a black little dress with black converses, Mitch told me that sluts would only wear high heels just so the can show there breasts to guys so i got put of them and i prefer my converses.I was in Mitch's old kid bedroom, the room still felt like he was still with me, they cowboy wallpaper, the crooked wardrobe, the mini chest of toys, small bed and on the wall a carving of Mitch's and Mine names. Looking out the window i could see the dead, lifeless tree with still the swing that Mitch built for me. Man...its lasted this long

tap tap tap

crap. i quickly wiped the tears from my eyes

"Come in" I croaked

"Babe? its time to go to the burial" Zack said

Time to put my brother six feet under ground...

Ben P.O.V

"Jesus Danny! Hurry the hell up! were gonna be late for the funeral!" I screamed 

I saw Danny around the hotel room trying to find his bloody tie that i was a matter of fact BLOODY HOLDING! i started to wave his tie

"Benny i cant find my- "

"you mean this" i pointed out

i watched his yank his tie of me and put it on, i would be laughing about this but to be honest i wasnt in a laughing mood at all. The fact that The guys and I lost a great friends hurts so much and i really dont want to go

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