Mediocre Bands? Fucking Awesome Bands Who Need More Fans. Year: 2005.

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Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance had a medium amount of fans they supposed. They weren't too widely known but they still had a lot of fans show up to watch them perform at Warped Tour. Warped had just gotten all the attending bands in and now they were wandering around, getting used to all the people and meeting new faces. Except My Chem.

Quite a few of the bands there knew who My Chem are and knew they were there. They just didnt know how much the ban resembles vampires. Although it didn't take them long to figure it out. By day 19 every band at Warped knew who My Chem were. They saw them out at night in the parties or just going to get more food for their bus or for a smoke. Thy mostly saw Gerard at the parties. So then they began to know Mikey as Gerard's brother. The one that was always carrying him back to the bus when he would pass out.

Bert McCracken liken to call Mikey Gerard's carer. It was pissing him off. No one calling him by his name. So on day 20 he went outside during the day. Mainly because he left his bass on the stage the previous night when he was doing late night/early mornimg practice. It just so happened that he would run into a group of fans at 6 am that morning. Once he reached the stage there was a short guy with black emo hair on stage playing bass while sitting next to Mikey's comfort. His bass.

Great. More human interaction.

He just walked up to the stage and grabbed his bass. The guy looked at him.

"You're Mikey Way."

"You're next to my bass." Mikey replied.

"Sorry. Just wanted to make sure a fan didn't steal it. Hey! Where are you going? Aren't you going to ask who I am?"

"No. I don't like human interaction. Bye."

With that Mikey left. Leaving a very shell shocked Pete Wentz sitting on the Warped stage. Now he just had to write about his first experience with Mikey Way. Disinterested.

That's how he described how Mikey tried to make the situation seem. In reality, or what Pete thought was reality, he was captivated because Pete knew his name and addressed him accordingly. Mikey didn't get that a lot. As Pete had observed at the parties Mikey went to with his brother. He knew Mikey hated when people didn't use his name.

Pete was lusting after the lanky vampire boy who could play bass like a god in Pete's eyes. He wanted him. So he would keep trying to become his friend and possibly something more.

"Come on, Pete. You need some sleep." Patrick told his best friend.

He and the rest of the band had seen the scene unravel. They could see what Mikey portrayed as what he felt but the true emotions.

"Yeah, dude. You also gotta stop stalking, Mikey." Joe added.

Pete listened to Patrick, but not Joe. He was lusting, and lusting hard. He wanted Mikey Way and that's what he was going on get.

Meanwhile Mikey sat, or more lay, in his bunk mindlessly strumming the strings of his bass. He couldn't stop thinking about the other bassist. He knew his name and actually used it. He loved that about the mystery bassist but he wasn't in love. Not lusting either. He didn't know the guy. He didn't even particularly want to talk to him. Although he could listen to the short man talk for hours. Even if it were just random ramblings.

He had meet him again.

Dedicated to: Undead_Holly

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