"You see here, little cockroach, I don't particularly like to play games. You might say I love my job more than my life but honestly I care not for either. So why would you think I'd give you mercy?" I said, He'd been crying for a little while now and mumbling mercy, it was quite tiring really and I hadn't even started yet. All I did was knock him out and tie him to a chair, there really was no need for the crying but perhaps he had realised his fate.
"Now little man you only need to tell me where someone is, that's all. Why would that be so hard? How about a little persuasion?" I said maliciously with another chuckle. I grabbed hold of his arm and dug my fingers in grasping hold of a tendon using my nails I ripped it out with a splatter of blood, his scream was lost into the fire burning away his soul.The fire is the last thing all of these 'customers' see, oh how they stare at it looking for salvation and all they see is cold darkness. How much of a sense confusion it is to experience cold fire, ice cold, you expect heat but all you feel is cold loneliness, heat represents happiness and comfort something I never had.
"Well now with that out the way what do you think, will you actually tell me some information?" I said.
"I don't say nothing till you pay up." his eyes locked with mine a dull brown glinting with greed.
"Well you certainly have some balls to say that, lets change that." I said with an all too familer malicous shine to my eyes. I grabbed a shard of glass from the bar next to me and stabbed his crotch leaving it in there to stop the blood flow as much.
"Now now, I finally can ask the question. Where is the Cheshire Cat and how can I find her?" I said in a calm slow paced voice.
"S-s-she normally hangs around the Smile and Grin, she is there quite a lot." he said nearly screaming in pain. I had gotten what I needed so I made sure of no evidence were to be left by burning the whole thing to ashes. And off I went to my next target.¤~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¤
Sometimes people are really hard to find because they are paranoid about everything but others are confident, they think because of there status no one is going to try and touch them, oh how wrong they are. When going up against big status people you really need to hit them where it hurts. My favorite is taking them from there home from home, their safe place, it helps knock them down and breaks their sense of security already applying presure to an already cracking ego. The confused expression is the funniest, its almost as if their whole reality has been shattered. Those cowards who hide behind fame and fortune just to see it ripped away from them in a single move.
This chapter mentions a character made by CheshireCat2244 but don't worry its not the last of her.
His Eyes Were Purple
Science Fiction"So lets start again shall we, where are they?" ripping the tendon out of his arm blood splattered across the room. Hey I'm not what you would call a normal person, being constantly regected by everone you ask for help from really does something to...