Yes I said it I'm in love with the Fat Girl[1]

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Over there is a picture of Brandon


Chapter one

Brandon Fury was the quarter back for East High he was popular and had everything he could ever want, so it appeared anyways. It was Friday night and he was with his friends on the prowl for a good time. With him being the only one not drunk he was driving. Brandon turned down a dirt road that leads towards a lake. Once he stopped everyone climbed out of the car. They all walked over to the cooler and all his friends grabbed more beer. Brandon himself walked to a girl and pulled her to where others are dancing. Once the girl started getting grabby he led her to his car.

So that was how his night went he necked it with a girl then left. He slept till his football practice. Once at the football field he smiled he was the only guy without a hangover. Once practice was over the coach called Brandon into his office. Once Brandon walked in he saw a girl with deep brown hair that was pin straight and fell pass her elbow. The coach pointed to the chair next to the girl. Which Brandon took?

"Now Brandon last year you got straight D's in school." Coach said

"Yeah and why is she here?" Brandon pointed to the girl to the left of him.

"She has a name I'm Kahlan." The girl throw him a look.

"So your little miss. Honor role." He looked her up and down. Kahlan was not a tinny girl she was half Latino and had the hips of a dancer. She had big thighs for she was the catcher on the Softball team. She was thick and didn't give a dang what anyone thought of her.

"And your Mr. Meat head?" She rolled her eyes. "Do you really expect him to do as I say?"

"Yes I believe he will for I am not doing this as a coach but as a dad." Coach Peter Fury opened his top desk drew. "Here is his file I'm sure you would like to take a look at what you're up against." Kahlan reached over and took the file.

"Thank you sir but if I'm going to tutor you son he has to follow my rules to the letter. Got it meat head?" Kahlan stood from the chair she was sitting.

"What rules?" Brandon raised his eyebrow.

"Oh you'll see be in the library after practice Monday and I'll explain my rules. Good day Mr. Fury, Meat head." Kahlan walked out the door with a swing of her wide hips.

"You really expect me to get along with her?" Brandon huffed. He can't believe he got stuck with the biggest softball player in the school.

"Yes she sweet and easy on the eyes son just pull your grades up so you can get into Notre dame." Peter said as he pointed to the door. "Go I'll see you at home later."

Brandon stood to leave, "Dad she is anything but easy on the eyes." Once he reached his truck he saw her across the lot. With as huff he walked over to her.

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