Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Emylee's POV

When the bell rings at three'o'clock I dart from the class room to my locker, where I keep my long board. As I shut it to leave, I nearly run into the blue eyed guy from my first, third, and seventh classes.

"Whoa, sorry. I didn't know you were going to turn around so fast. But I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Nash." I watch his eyes as they move nervously around the area to the kids making out beside us, a few guys laughing, and a girl picking up hr books from the ground.

"Yeah, um, hi." Nash walks along side me with his own long board to the front of the school. When we both hit the street top, we put down the boards.

"Where do you live?" He asks, and I point in the direction, "Northside? Me too."

"Really?" we both start skating toward home, and we're so close i could touch him if I put my hand out.

"Yeah," He nods and looks back at a bunch of kids circling a fight, "wanna take a detour?" By the look on his face I can tell I should be up for something wild.

I agree and he pulls my board toward him the turns us both down a path I didn't even notice. He jumps off his board in front of me and I put my hands on his shoulders to stop because that's so much better than stopping any other way. But I nearly fall from the sudden-ness and my face meets his chest. I stand straight quickly and laugh it off, with him. Then he clips both of our boards to his backpacks and puts it back on his back.

"Where does this go?" I ask, avoiding the large piles of dirt as we walk down the path.

"To the back of the neighborhood. It's a longer route but more fun." He turns to me and smiles.

"Do you have any food with you?"

"Yeah, I got some chips?"

"Yes please," we both stop walking and he unclips our boards so we can sit on them.

I sit down, both of us side by side and we snack on his Lays. I really am trying to stop him from taking me home. It's not that I don't want him to know where I live or for my mom to find out that I'm hanging out with just one boy. It's that I want to stay with him. There's just something about him. About Nash.

"So, why'd we go this way?"I ask after swallowing.

"Because it's so much nicer than the other way, no one to talk to, no one to bother me."

"So would you consider me bothering you?" I turn to him and raise my brows.

"No," I smiles, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"Why's that?"

"You're nice, I like you." I turns to me and smiles to the side, "we should get going."

 He stands up and dusts off his pants, then puts his hand toward me. I take as a shock moves through my veins to my heart that skips a beat. Then he puts hand on my back until I start walking and that's when he follows. After a few steps, my observant self spots the most amazing plant ever. It's a light pink flower that's growing behind a bush. Me being me, I run off the trail and go to get a better look. I touch the delicate petal, a feeling of peace moving through me. I'm about to stand when I feel Nash's hand on my back again, and he crouches down beside me. I turn and look at him, the sun silhouetting him. He keeps his eyes on the flower, as if he doesn't want to look back at me. I want so badly to rest my chin on his shoulder and press my lips against his cheek, but fighting the temptation is probably best.

"It's beautiful," he says, "I've never even noticed these before."


We both stand and walk back up the hill. As we walk home I tell him all about my life back in California, my trip to North Carolina, and about my family. As I talk I skip and jump around when an exciting part comes, and he throws his head back to laugh at my enthusiasm. I could almost call this "The Best First Day at School". But just because it involves school, it can't be called that.

As we walk past my stone house I pull Nash up the drive way and to the front porch.

"I can't come in, I have to get home." He puts his head back to emphasize his tiredness.

"Where's your house?"

"The end of the block."

"Awe, poor Nash has to walk three houses down all by himself," I pout my lip and he moves closer to me, dragging his feet across the pavement. He puts his forehead on my shoulder slouches down, putting his weight on me. The weak-ling I'd like to call myself almost collapses under his weight.

"You know, I have a feeling you're going to bribe me into coming inside." He says, standing straight up.

"You know, I was thinking about it, but I think my mom will be home soon, and I have to be doing homework when she gets here."

"Alright, so I'll see tomorrow morning right here?"

"Are you saying you would like to walk me to school?"

"Does the sun shine?" He raises his brows at his own question.

"Yes," I blush.

"Then I will see you here."

I watch him walk home--of course I need to know where he lives. Then I head inside to find my mom coming down the stairs.

"Who was that?" She says, giving me the look.


"You've already got a boyfriend and it's only your first day! I don't know why you still want to complain about California still."

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend."

"isn't that what everyone says? Honey, before you know it I'll have to interrupt you while you're making out on the front porch."

"Mom, stop."

"And he's going to walk you to school?"

"Why won't you just give me a little privacy? It's bad enough you made me move here."

To avoid more talk from her I run up the stairs and lock my bedroom door.

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