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"Hey, Journey and taylor its time to get up and get ready for school!" My house mother yells. Yay another day in hell dealing with shitty girls, oh well at least today is my first day of school. Hi my name is Journey im 16 years old and i live in West Pheonix children's home. If you're wondering how i got here its beacause i was missing an abnormal amount of school. I've been here for 10 months now and honestly im on the edge and ready to kill myself any minute. These girls that i live with are pure hell and i have to live with 7 of them! So thats my sad story don't feel pity for me its not too bad here but not good either. I hesitantly get out of bed and start getting ready. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black veil brides T-shirt. i put my makeup on and straighten my bright red hair. I walk out of my room and go to the living room and grab my backpack and go to take my meds. After im done getting ready i head to the bus stop where girls from other cottages are waiting. I hope this school is different than the one here on campus. I havent been to a public school in a long time seeing as my mental state wasnt healthy enough to be unsupervised. I have to remember my main rule : Don't get attached to anyone. Soon enough the bus arrives.

*times skip to school*

When i get to the school i suddenly become nervous. I feel like somethings about to happen but im not sure what...i brush the feeling off and walk into the school. When i get inside i go to where im guessing we have to wait in the mornings. I walk in and sit down. This is the cafeteria....its so pretty for a school. I'm sitting down thinking when a girl sits next to me. "Hi, you must be new here my name is eliza" She says with a smile on her face. I look up at her. Woah shes very pretty. "Journey, Nice to meet you". Eliza and I become aquantances and hang out all day. She shows me to classes seeing as we have all the same classes. We go to Gym class and sit waiting for roll to be called. I'm sitting here talking to eliza when i hear yelling. "I will burn your house down!"someone yelled. The voice i heard sent shivers down my spine almost as if i fell in love with that voice...silly right? what am i thinking...I turn to where the voice was coming from and i see a skinny blonde headed boy laughing with who i assume is his friend.
it was the blonde headed boy who yelled. I stare at him, He is absolutely stunning, he has perfect features and beautiful curly hair. As im lost in thought he suddenly looks over, his gaze meeting mine. Its like we were in our own perfect world staring at each other like this. I begin to blush and quickly look down. when i look up he is back to talking with his friend. I turn to eliza. "Hey um..Who is that blonde headed boy?". "That is Kyle White. Stay away from him he is very strange." She warns me but of course my stubborn self wants to get to know this stranger better. When we looked in each other's eyes it was electrifying and magnificent.

Who knew a Juggalo and an Emo could fall in love?Where stories live. Discover now