My Immortal

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The next morning Kyle and i joked around and watched Youtube. Around noon he found out he didn't have a ride so my neighbor took him home. I was nervous but decided to go with them. It was kinda awkward but i played music to try and make it less awkward-it didnt work. Kyle got out at his dad's house. "Bye Journey ill see ya later." he smiled and ran inside. We left his house and i smiled the entire way back home thinking of his smile...

When i got home my mom screamed at me calling me a bitch, whore and much more...i guess it kinda hurt because she hasn't talked to me like that in a long i did what i do best..i ran to the bathroom and grabbed a pair of scissors on the shelf and i cut my hips, arms and the back of my made me feel better but i knew i'd have to tell Kyle and my best friend what i did and then because of that thought i felt a thousand times worse than i did before...That night i went to bed and cried myself to sleep.  My dream was so vivid that night...I was running through the woods and something was chasing me and i couldn't tell what it was, I then tripped over a log and fell onto something glass i looked at what i fell on and saw the glass was a picture of my mom and it was shattered. My side was bleeding but i stood up and ran again. I woke up in a cold sweat and tried to think about the meaning of that dream....

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