And so it begins

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That night i couldnt stop thinking of him. The way he laughed, The way he was mad so easily, It just gave me butterflies. No stop Journey You can't do this. You know it will never work i mean youre in a group home for gods sake. That night i fall asleep and dream of Kyle White....

*Time skip to school - lunch time*

I sit down at the lunch table im assigned to by homeroom and since there are no empty seats i have to sit next to kyle.....shit. The good news is Eliza is sitting on the other side of me. About half way through lunch Kyle taps my shoulder. "Are you gonna eat that?" He points at the cheese and little container of meat on my tray. Im super hungry but i cant say super nervous. " Umm, No. You can have it." He Picks up the stuff off my tray and eats it. Fuck, that was the most food i get a day....Oh well as long as he is happy...

*Time skip to last period*

In this class i sit next to eliza. We talk about Bands as usual and how we are huge fans of andy biersack and jayy von monroe. I decide that i really like Kyle, And i suck at keeping secrets so i tell Eliza. "No way! Omg You have to ask him out but if he hurts you tell me." she whisper screams at me. " I cant......" i blush slightly. She looks at me curiously. "Why Not?"."Im too nervous to ask him....." i say as i look down. Suddenly she slides a piece of paper and pen on my desk." Write a note then." I nod. I begin to write. On the note I wrote 'Hey wazzup, My name is journey.....i just wanted to say i really like you but i know you probably think im too weird...' I leave the note on his desk so when he comes to get his stuff at the end of the day he finds the note. I hope He doesnt get mad at me..... I really hope he feels the same..... Only tomorrow will tell what lies ahead.

Who knew a Juggalo and an Emo could fall in love?Where stories live. Discover now