Ocean avenue

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The next day i decided would be a day where i would not speak. I stayed in my room and listened to music. I texted Kyle and we had a normal conversation.

K: Hey

J: Hey, whats up

K: Nm, wyd

J: listening to music. The usual lol

K: I had a really fun time at your place. Thank you. When will i be able to come over again?

J: I'll ask my mom when shes in a better mood. I gtg but i'lll tyll

K: oh ok

That was basically the most awkward texting i have ever seen but oh well. The rest of the day was full of me listening to music and making Kyle a drawing. He seems really sweet. I wonder when we can see each other again...I decide that ill clean a bunch so he can come back over very soon. I clean the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and then my room. I fall on my bed exhausted then text Kyle goodnight..He makes me so happy but i feel my depression is gripping on to me again...and i hope its not bad again...Hopefully being with Kyle changes that...He seems to make me smile when i can't. I fall asleep that night and dream of Kyle once more....<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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