It's A Secret (Carard)

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Hello! A new story!

I know I know.

'Dajah needs to get a life and stop writing so much'.

Lol like that's ever gonna happen.


This is dedicated to and written for @ana_is_my_drug.

I hope you like it....


"Cali! I could use some help down here, please!"

"Sorry, Mom. Busy!" I yelled back in reply while still scrolling down on my phone. I'd just finished unpacking all of my clothes and sorting them out. I was already tired enough to call it a day. "Cali! Honey, come help us now, please." Dad called up to me.

I was really annoyed and pissed the whole drive here, but once we arrived all I wanted was a bed to lay on. The weather fit my mood; Gloomy and hateful. I've never been to New Jersey before, so living here is like a punch to the face. I'm literally new to everything and I don't like being new to things. I like routine. I like order. I like to know what I am doing, going to do, what others will do and etc. I don't know anything about here. I can't anticipate people's moves. I can't read their faces.

I don't like feeling like a fish out of water.

The only good part about this is that I have to get settled in, which means I have a reason to stay in the house. I don't know anyone and Mom wouldn't let me walk out there all alone now, would she?

She said we moved here because of some job offer as she was a doctor and is apparently 'superb' at it, as said by her boss.


I jumped and sat up halfway, craning my neck.

"I said I needed help. Being on your phone is not an option right now. Come on." Mom demanded and turned away to walk back down the hall. I sighed heavily and threw my phone on the bed before obeying her command.

3 days later, I had had enough of being in the house. So much, I was out of the door before my Mom and Dad knew what was happening. School started for me at 7. School for this 17 year old was on a college campus due to me taking Dual Enrollment classes. I was extremely smart, thanks to my extremely intelligent parents.

I've been going to College for about 2 years and people always freak out when they see a 17 year old in their class. But now, both sides will be freaking out because I know no one here. I'm not used to these people. They won't be familiar faces from the past like in Ohio.

Dad had explained on our way to our new house how I would get to and from school since I don't stay on campus. I use their car while they carpool with some friend of my Dad's that lives here. We'd went over my schedule and classes but I didn't know where any of them were. I received a map but honestly- who the hell actually reads and uses a map?

I knew I would have to do something though because asking people where different rooms were won't exactly go around smoothly. People were rushing to their classes and dorms and other things I didn't care about. Who would have time for me?

I took out the map and decided to give it another shot. "Come on. It's not that hard." I whispered as I kicked the car door closed with my foot. I slung my shoulder bag over me and sighed, giving up already before I had even read one word. "Fuck you you fucking map. You don't help anyone."

"Talking to inanimate objects, huh? First sign of genius." Someone said.

I whirled around and saw two boys walking my way. One had a muscular build and had brown curly hair, almost in an afro. He held one notebook in his hand and that was it. His shirt donned Anthrax accompanied by blue jeans and navy blue and white converse. The other was much leaner and paler with hair that was jet black and stringy looking. His eyes were rimmed in eyeliner and surrounded by red eye shadow. He wore a simple black t shirt and black pants with black and white converse. The curly haired man's eyes were brown and the other's eyes were a beautiful Hazel.

They were both cute.

But the Hazel boy was cuter. White skin surrounded by black hair and clothing... beautiful.

"Nah...I'm not Einstein." I replied, feeling my stomach bubble. I tried not to blush. Just seeing him have his eyes on me made me feel like a typical school girl with a crush.

"But you could be the next one." He insists, him and his friend coming to a stop next to the mirror of my parent's car. "Nice to see someone believes women are capable of doing anything." I admired, shifting my bag. "Oh, I believe anyone can do anything." He ran his fingers through his hair and I was mesmerized by the simple movement.

" go here?" Curly asked. I blushed then. Here comes the questions.

"Yeah. I take Dual Enrollment classes." Curly's eyes widened and Hazel smiled genuinely. "Cool. How old are you?"


"Damn. I wouldn't be able to do that." Curly shook his head. "How old are you guys?" I asked, my attention focusing on a group of girls who were walking up to the front doors together before focusing back on the boys in front of me. They were tall. I probably reached up to more than half their chests.

"I'm 23 and he's 22. I'm Ray, by the way." He held his hand out and I shook it. "Cali."

"Hi, Cali. I'm Gerard." Gerard smiled with closed lips and held out his hand. I swear, I felt a buzz when our skin finally came into contact. His hand was bony and cold but I liked it.

I just liked everything about him. "Hi, Gerard." I repeated, his name feeling foreign yet somehow familiar on my tongue- like it was meant to for me to say. "Well, maybe we'll see you around?" Ray said before walking around me. "Maybe."

"Oh! I like your hair, by the way." Gerard turned around to say and then jogged to catch up to Ray. I absentmindedly touched my hair and smiled while watching the two men walk away. Gerard's pale arms barely swung by his side.

He likes my hair.

Probably because it's red. But, still...

I stood there for a few more seconds imagining us walking through the halls and holding hands. Him smiling down at me as I held onto his arm. Me running my fingers through his hair as we relaxed on a couch. Me running my hands across his chest. I bet he looked amazing with his shirt off. Holy shit.

"Too bad he's 5 years older than me." I grumbled, my dreams immediately crushed as I left the car to enter hell.

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