Chapter 9

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When I woke up, Cali was still asleep, her face facing me. She was so adorable. I reached over and stroked her cheek, feeling her soft skin prickle underneath my finger tips. I sighed heavily and went back to staring at the ceiling. What do we do now? Of course I want to be with her, but someone that constantly goes against our feelings and won't hesitate to intervene on our relationship is a complication.

I sniffed and then heard the front door open. Ray must be going out. I was wrong in thinking that though because Ray opened my door and said, "Cali's Dad wants to speak to you." In a solemn voice. I took in a deep breath and sighed again. What does he want now?

I quietly slipped out of bed and threw on a shirt and pants that were on my floor from however many days ago before shuffling out the room and to the front door.

Cali's Dad was leaning against the wall. I looked back at Ray, who looked back with hesitation in his eyes. I nodded firmly at him, letting him know that I thought I'd be fine. Shutting the door behind me, I was overcome with a sense of equality between Cali's Dad and I for some reason.

"Anything you wanna say before I start talking?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. I shrugged.

"I haven't brushed my teeth."

"Don't be a fucking smart ass and piss me off, Way." He demanded. I took in a deep breath that sounded as if I was sighing inwards. "Cali and I had a...dispute yesterday."

"Kinda figured."

"And she made some points...I guess." He nodded to himself. "My thing is-"

"I'm 22 and she's 17. I know." I cut him off with a tired tone. "I won't hurt Cali. I'm not like that. I genuinely like her. A lot. She's beautiful and sweet and obviously very intelligent. I just don't see why it's a problem now. If she was like, 25 and I was 30 it wouldn't really be frowned upon."

I was so glad this was actually happening- a conversation instead of getting punched again.

"I did research on you." Cali's dad stated. My eyebrows pulled together in amusement. "It seems like you're not a bad guy. Good grades and no record and all."


He sighed heavily and pushed himself off the wall, turning to face me. There was a gleam in his eyes as he narrowed them.

"If my daughter comes home with one tear on her face- or anything- as a result of your handiwork...I will kill you. Got that?" I didn't want to nod. So I just said okay. Meanwhile, I was beaming on the inside. This means we could be together. This means he approved. No more problems!

"Tell her to call me when she wakes up. I know she's still asleep." He didn't even allow me to respond. He just walked down the steps, leaving me alone outside my door.

Hell yeah.

I slammed the door behind me, making Ray look up and glare at me from whatever book was in his hand. "Suck it, Toro." I smirked. "Let me guess. You guys aren't going to be harassed anymore." He rolled his eyes. "Yep." I popped the p.

"It's only because you've got this weird aura shit that makes people do what you want." He mumbled, turning the page. "What? What the hell are you going on about?" "I don't know!" Ray replied on a huff of breath, which meant he wanted me to shut up and leave him alone.  I snorted and went back into my room, getting in bed and wrapping my arm around Cali.

"Mmm! Hot..." She grumbled, smacking my arm off. Huh. The covers weren't on her anymore. "Wake up, baby." I said, leaning down to push my nose against her cheek. "Whaaaaat?" She groaned, turning completely on her back. "Your Dad decided to leave us alone." I told her, staring into her beautiful eyes. They widened and she gasped. "My Dad was here? He said I...we..." I nodded and kissed her gently. She squealed and jumped up, knocking me backwards and beaming. "Yes! They actually listened to me!" She tackled me back onto the bed and we both laughed quietly as we rolled over, me hovering over her once again. "He said to call him when you woke up." I relayed the message.

"He can wait." She smiled, running her fingers through my hair and tugging at it lightly. "I'm still shocked he's okay with it."

"I wouldn't say he's okay with it. He's tolerating it." I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Tolerate my ass. He's gonna be seeing a lot more of you around from now on." She sighed happily before pecking me on my lips and then sitting up. "I gotta pee." "Yes, Cali, I wanted to know that." I said sarcastically, earning a shove to my shoulder before she scooted off the bed and walked out of the room.

I busied myself with making the bed and stopped when I saw Cali run back inside and hug me.

"I love you, Gerard." She smiled before kissing me again and then ran back out and into the bathroom. I narrowed my eyes and then chuckled to myself, pulling the cover up to the pillow.

"I love you too, Cali."


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