Chapter 5

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My heart was racing. I was terrified of what i was going to face when i turned around. I slowly turned around with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes. It was a man. A man that looked exactly like Jacksepticeye, exept his right eye was like septiceye Sam and the other one was just black. His skin was very pale and his hair was dark green. He smiled at me, showing his sharp teeth. He was shirtless, meaning i could see his well boult upper body. He had a plate of bacon and eggs in his hands.
"Who are you?" Slipped out of my mouth.
"I, my dear, am Antisepticeye, or Anti for short. You may have noticed that i look a lot like my idiotic and loud other half, Jacksepticeye, that is because i am his evil other half." My heart was beating faster than i thought was possible and my eyes widened. "Do not worry i will do no harm to a beauty such as yourself." He giggled at the end. I didn't dare to say a word. He placed the plate on the dining table that was next to him and started walking my way. I started backing away from him, until my back hit a wall. He finally reached me and put his left arm around my waist and whispered in my right ear.
"Hope you enjoy your stay, because you'll be here forever." He chuckled and walked back into the kitchen. Me, still in shock and trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened, slid down the wall and stayed there.

A solid five minutes have passed and i'm still shocked, on the floor. Anti walked out of the kitchen and placed another plate of bacon and eggs. He looked over at me and sighed.
"Get up, please." He said. I slowly stood up and stayed there. He walked over to me and interwined our fingers together.
"Why are you scared?" He asked.
"Umm because you're a fucking demon, capable of God knows what, that kidnapped me and i'm just a human girl that bearly knows how to walk." I said with a hint of sarcasm at the end. Fuck. I regret every word that just spilled out of my mouth. Of course my stupid mouth just had to say something. He looked at me wide-eyed for a second before he smiled. What? I thought he was going to slap me or something. Guess i was wrong.
"Come on." He pulled me to the kitchen and pulled out a chair, guesturing for me to sit in it. I raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. I sat down, still uneasy with everything  that's happening. He sat on the chair opposite of me. He started eating, but i just stared at my food, not sure if it was poisoned or not. I got lost in thought until Anti spoke up.
"Why are you just staring at your food? Why aren't you eating?" He actually looked concerned. And of course ms being the sassy/sarcastic twat that i am, i said.
"How do i know that you didn't do anything to it?"
"Why would i?"
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Please." God damn it, he gave me puppy dog eyes. That's like my only weakness. I slowly picked up the fork and picked up a piece of bacon. It tastes like normal bacon. He watched me swallow it. Thats a bit creepy.
"Now was that so bad?" He asked.
"No." I answered

We ate breakfast in silence and then went to the living room, because Anti wanted to watch a movie. I still had so many questions that i need answers to.

My Creepy Stalker ● Antisepticeye X Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now