Chapter 38

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《The next few chapter will likely be the last, that is if any new ideas decide to invade my brain, then i will continue. But if they don't, then this book will end. I will also be re-editing some chapters.》


"Stop, stop, stop!" I yelled at Sarah. She quickly put the bowl of crushed oreos mixed with syrup down on the counter.

We had started our night by making an ice cream cake. I saw a video on Instagram and it looked easy to make so i thought we would make it. The ingredients we needed were crushed biscuits; but we decided to use oreos instead; ice cream sandwiches and ice cream.  

We started off by crushing the oreos and mixing syrup with them. Now it was time to cut the ice cream sandwiches in four pieces and place them all around the pan.

"Okay, give me the ice cream sandwiches from the fridge." I said.

Sarah rummaged through the fridge and finally found them. She took five out and placed them on the counter. I took one and opened it, seeing the frozen treat inside. I opened the drawer to my left and took out a big, sharp knife.

"So how are things with Dark?" I asked as i cut the sandwich in half.

"It's been good so far. He takes care of me, but we did have a fight just a week ago..." She grabbed another knife and started cutting as well.

"Are things okay now?" I placed the four pieces around the ends of the pan.

"Yeah, but things haven't really been the same."


"I don't know. He's been pretty distant and he doesn't talk to me as much." She sighed.

"What was the fight about?" I grabbed another package.

"Just some stupid shit about him never being home at night. He should have fun and some alone time, but i miss him.....and i don't know what he's doing, because he never tells me. I asked him about it and he ignored me." Her voice cracked at the end. My eyes darted towards her pale face and her shaking hands. I took ahold of her hands and looked up at her.

"If you feel like crying, then cry. It will help you."

She dropped the knife and her lips started to shake as well as her eyes started to close a bit. A single tear fell down her pale face. Out of instinct, i quickly pulled her into a tight embrace. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear, i felt her tears stain my shirt as she let her emotions flow out.

"I just....i don't-" she sniffed, "-don't know what t-to do anymore...." Her crying made it harder for her to breath. I rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her and calm her.

"It's okay, everything is going to be okay. Do you want me to talk to Dark?" Her head lightly moved up and down, she was too caught up in crying that she couldn't speak. Her tears rapidly spilled out of her eyes, she sniffed and sobbed.

"C'mon. Why don't we put these things back and go out for a bit, yeah?" I asked her. She moved away and rubbed her eyes and nodded.


"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Just some place I found while I was walking around the area."

The leaves crunched under my feet as both mines and Sarahs moved in a quick pace. The moonlight was shining down upon the grass and the leaves and the flowers and the little bugs and insects that were wandering around the green paradise.

The sweet and calming melody of the crickets rang all around the forest along with the light breeze. Our walk was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. We didn't feel the need to talk to each other just to feel as if we both know that we were there. Our individual presence was enough. It was as if our bodies were sending invisible and mute signals towards each other saying that everything was okay. And it was.

Our feet moved along with the rest of our upper body as they dragged us along to the spot we were heading to. The leaves crunched and the crickets sang their nightly songs and our hair waved and bounced, falling slightly behind the rhythm our bodies had.

"Are we even close to the spot?" Sarah broke the comforting silence.

"We just have to turn left right here and the spot will be right in front of us." I informed her.

We turned left just as i had said and the spot was now visible.

It was a small, round shaped, hill. The grass lacked at the center of it and little flowers, from various diffirent types, grew along with the grass. The places were grass was not growing had a sandy look to it. The moon was staring right down onto the hill.

"Woah....." Sarah trailed off at the sight. It was truly breath taking.

We walked towards the center and sat down. My head snapped up immediately to look and take in the magnificent view, shining down on us. The fresh air was adding even more enjoyment to this experience.

"If you want, you can talk about Dark, while no one is around." I suggested. She shrugged.

"I guess. I just---I really don't understand why we have fights over little things. Like yeah, I know that he can be a little hard-headed and act like a child sometimes, but he can at least try and be more responsible! And not to mention the fact that i always do the house cleaning and he doesn't even offer to help me! I can't---why are boys so stupid and difficult!" She sighed with frustration as she ended her little rant.

"I know how you feel, trust me. But you should at least confront him about your problems. Don't you think that a well functional relationship is built on trust? Well you need to trust yourself and him in this situation. I'm not taking sides, but if you want this thing to work, you have to confront him about what is bothering you. About him, about anything, basically."

"But I do have trust in him." She fired back, getting frustrated. I slowly turned towards her. I thought for a bit, trying to find the right words to properly explain this to her.

"Imagine this. There is a couple, Jim and Jan. They are both deeply in love and would do anything for each other. One day, Jan found some pictures in her lovers cabinet that looked very shady to her. She quickly put them back and didn't say anything about them to Jim. Everyday after her lover left for work she would cry and harm herself--"

"Is there a point to this?"

"Shut up. So as i was saying, she harmed herslef. She was too scared to say anything to Jim, so she continued with this 'treatment' she was giving herslef. The cuts became worse and deeper as the days flew by, until one day she over did it and died from extreme blood loss. Now, do you think that all of this could have been avoided if she confronted Jim about the pictures in the first place?" My eyes looked into her wide ones.

"Yes." She answered quietly.

"Will you confront Dark about your problems from now on?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Thank God. I don't want you to end up like Jan." I sighed in relief.

"I don't want to end up like her either."

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