Hold Em Close

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Gotenks went into the kitchen where everyone else was, walking over to the sink to get a glass before walking to the fridge, getting some fresh water for the girl, Vegito looked at Gotenks.

"Gotenks! How is she doing now? You should ask her for her name if she's awake and not fainted from seeing you!"

"Dad, she's... resting! I don't think she wants to move, I can try finding out her name!"

He said before leaving back to the bedroom.

'Ga-sp!' I really wanted to leave but... For now I had to stay, even if it does kill me, I can't risk leaving and passing out somewhere else! Eh, Gotenks came back in, handing me a glass of clear water but I didn't want it, I was worried he did something to it! Can you blame me?

"I'll just put it here then! So, do you have a name I can call you by? If you don't want to tell me your real name, you can just say a name you want everyone to call you. Or I can just tell everyone your name is, Blondey!"

Eh, hearing that nickname made me cringe! I'll tell him my name, since I'm in someone's bed and house, it's the least I could do, right?


"Linkia, huh? Nice but weird name!"

"Weird huh? So is Gotenks."

"So you can have a conversation with me! Cool! Yeah, my name is a little odd but, I came up with myself. I used to be a fusion of Goten and Trunks, but now I'm not. I kept to my name, same with Vegito and Gogeta! Are you hungry?"

Tch, the little shit thinks I can't have a conversation huh? I'll give him a conversation he'll never forget-- wait.. food! I am hungry, I haven't eaten for three straight days..

"Of course I can keep a conversation! And... No. I'm not--"

Growl. Of dear, my stomach is growling. Oopsie.

"Ok.. I may of lied, I'm really hungry!"

Gotenks to just laughed, taking my hand before pulling me out of the bed and back into the kitchen, luckily there was only some Blonde haired guy with the same vest as Gotenks, he was a lot older though, then there was another guy, wearing blue over an orange top, his hair was like really down brown but with slight black in it.

"Hey, Vegito, Gogeta. What are you two doing? Oh and this is, Linkia!"

Gotenks turned to look at me, seeing if I was alright, unfortunately, my body started to shake or was it an earthquake? No, it's definitely my body that's shaking.

"Heya, Linkia! I'm Vegito!"

"Hey! Names Gogeta and we're playing chess! Want to join in?"

"Linkia?! Are you cold? Don't be worried about these two, these are the other two fusions I told you about! Seriously, are you alright..? You're worrying me!"

I stood there, a tear almost fell from my right eye before hearing Gotenks say he was worried about me.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah! I'm fine!"

He sighed in relief, it seemed he really did worry about me, but why? No'one else ever did.

Gogeta got up from his chair, Damn was he tall, I couldn't stop staring at him, his bare chest showing as well, was they always hot? Gogeta reached his arm over my shoulder, was he going to hit me? I flinched like an idiot, but he moved his arm with a brow raised, he reached for a glass, it seemed I was standing in front of a cupboard.

"...No need to flinch, Kia. I'm not gonna do anything, just getting a glass!"

"K-Kia? That's not m-my name!"

"It's what I'm going to call you from now on, Kia. It's sounds cuter than Linkia!"

Gogeta replied to me, sitting himself back down at the table, Vegito just smiled at me, Gotenks winked for some reason. Don't ask.

"Linkia, come!"

Gotenks grabbed my arm and made me sit down next to Vegito, I placed both my hands onto my kneecaps, keeping my arms straight. I looked down.

"Ahaha, this sword and bow is awesome!!"

"Trunks lemme have a go!"

I lifted my head up to see the two kids, one with Purple hair and the other with black, they was holding what looked like my Master Sword and Heros Bow...? I reached my hand to grab my swords handle but it wasn't there... Those kids robbed me!

"Hey, don't play with them! Give them back now! Kids or not, they're not toys!"

I harshly stated to the kids, jumping out my seat and walking towards them, I hold out my hands to them so they could give my my stuff back!

"....Goten, Trunks. Give Linkia her stuff back, you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you!"

"Sorry miss, Linkia! Sorry, Gotenks!"

Trunks handed me my stuff, Goten kinda flinched when I said those harsh words, Trunks's cheeks was red, so I bent down and gave each of them a kiss to the cheek, they both smiled while Trunks blushed and ran off.

"Heh, didn't want them thinking I'd hurt them... Oh, hi!"

I soon realised everyone was staring at me, again. With those fucking eye's... I'm going to lose it! That's it.

"Why the--"

"Kia, seems as though they like you. That's good. Why not sit down? Get to know us!"

I was cut off by Gogeta, what the hell? He looked at me as if he knew I was going to have ago. I sighed before sitting down again, still, I was nervous and afraid of them, I mean, just look at them.. Vegito's got huge muscle, Gogeta's chest and arms are fucking muscular even, Gotenks is. I wouldn't want to get on their wrong side's.

Gotenks looked at me before throwing his arms around me, I was shocked that he did, I didn't ask why, this kid.. I'll hold him close to me, for now at least. He seems to trust me so, I'll trust him.

Love Is A Beautiful Thing. (DBZ/GT X OC)Where stories live. Discover now