well this is awkard...

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[29k reads are you kidding me? I love you guys so so so much. And this is the highly anticipated next chapter of EBNAB...]


She said yes. She frickin said yes. I always imagined proposing to her since that day on the Ferris wheel months ago. I knew she was the one. And now we're starting a family? She's pregnant? With my baby? How did I get so lucky.

"Babe, do you wanna know the sex of the baby?" Violet smiled up at me on the way back to the hotel to tell the rest of the guys.

"You know already? How many weeks along are you?" I asked.

"Don't be mad at me, I've kept this secret for a while now. I've been wearing baggier clothes-" She explained but I stopped her.

"Princess, just spill it." I told her, reassuringly.

"Um, about 5 months. And it's a girl!" She gushed.

"My little Princess!" I beamed.

"I thought I was your princess." She pouted sweetly.

"Now you're my queen." I said and kissed her on the forehead.


The ride back up to hotel room on elevator was intense. I was scared what my best friend would think. I hid it from her for 5 months for gods sake. As we entered the room and were greeted at the door, I could feel myself start to sweat.

"Guys, guess what?" Luke said as I watched everyone's face turn eagerly. I held up my finger to expose the ring. "We're engaged!"

"If you hurt my sister in some way!" Michael stood up and shook a fist at Luke.

"Woah, Mikey, she's in good hands with me!" Luke backed up defensively.

"Aw, Violet, I'm so happy for you!" Cassandra and Ashton said at the same time. They looked at each other and giggled as I smiled at them.

"A toast, to the newly engaged couple!" Calum said as he began to pour the champagne the hotel gave us in glasses. "For you." He held out one to me and I bit my lip and picked at my elbow nervously.  "Actually...." my voice trailed off.

"What's going on?" Ashton looked from me to Luke. Luke and I looked at each other smiling. "Oh my god...."

"What?" Michael asked.

"Um, I'm pregnant." I smiled at them. I clapped my hands together and beamed.

"That explains why you're all glowey. And you've been wearing baggier clothes. How far along are you?" Ashton asked.

"Uhhhh, five months." I half-whispered.

"WHAT?" Michael and Cassandra practically yelled in my face.

"Surprise!" Luke said, weakly. We were both greeted with a shower of hugs.

Just as we were all chatting, the hotel phone rang.

"Hullo? Yes. What???? Okay. Oh my god. Are you sure? Oh god. Okay. Thank you." Calum talked to the person in the lobby.

"What is it, babe?" Cassandra looked worriedly at her boyfriend.

"Apparently there is a very angry woman coming up to our room." Calum explained just as we heard ferocious knocks on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Step aside, fatty." She said to me and shoved me out of the way. "Hey, you! I'm pregnant and it's yours!"

Mystery woman (a character already known)
Is pregnant with one of the boys babies.
love y'all byeeee

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