Chapter-8 you cant save me

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I hope you like this chapter<3


I woke up to a bright light hitting my face. God i hate mornings, but this wasnt the sun like i thought it was no it was the blinding white light coming from the roof above me.

I slowly opened my eyes wider and looked around the room. The walls were white with blue curtains to match, i was in a hostpital. I remember what had happened but i didnt know i cut too deep. I looked to my right to see someone sitting on a chair sleeping. I couldnt see his face clearly but from the look of his brown hair i knew who it was.

Stefan was peacefully sitting in the chair next to me. He Looked tired and worn out.

i tried calling his name but it was no use my mouth was dry. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, once i opened my eyes a doctor walked in.

"oh my god cathy your awake" he looked like he was in his 30's not old though.

When the doctor said those words stefan bursted awake and looked at my direction.

"oh my god cathy your finally awake thank god". He then charged at me with a big hug.

I pointed towards the water sitting on the nightstand. Stefan knew what i wanted and quickly gave me the water. After a few sips i could feel my throught being washed with cool water.

"h-how long w-was i a-asleep for?"i said, my words still hard to say.

"cathy you were asleep for 10 days" the doctor spoke.

"10 days what!" i couldnt believe i was asleep for 10 days. I had a lot going through my mind, what happened?, weres freddy?.

After a few hours of being in the hostpital i was let out, finally.

Once we reached home i went straight to my room not bothering to talk to stefan about what happened.

I changed into some comfy clothes and layed in bed. I reached to my right to get my phone.

I turned it on and saw i had 50 missed calls, and 30 messages all from freddy. I didnt bother to call him because i was still mad at him and i was tired.

I put my phone back and slowly found myself drifting to sleep.

*A few hours later*

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I stretched my arms and yawned. I looked at the clock it read 6:50, wow i slept for a long time. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and went back to my room. As i was heading towards my room i heard crying coming from stefans room. I slowly looked through the slightly opened door and saw stefan crying.

I didnt know why he was crying but i knew it was probualy because of the thing i did, did he know?

I quickly went to my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed, ate my sandwich and watched tv until i heard a knock at my door.

I got up and opened the door to be face to face with stefan. His eyes were red probualy from the crying and his hair was messed up like he was running his hands through his hair.

"what is it stefan?" I said trying not to sound worried.

"um someones at the door for you" His voice was ruff and sad.

I nodded and made my way downstairs to get the door. I wonder who it was?

As i opened the door i saw the blue crystal eyes i thought i would never see again. Feddy was standing in front of me with his hair all messed up and his eyes red like he was crying.

"freddy?" i think he heard the sadness in my voice because i was then brought into a hug.

"cathy i love you and i dont want to lose you i know what i did was wrong by not telling you about arely but believe me when i say this i love you and i would never hurt you so please let me explain everything".

I didnt know if he was telling the truth or not but something in my heart told me to listen.

I nodded my head and stepped aside to let him in. I made my way to the couch and sat down. Freddy then sat next to me.

"okay freddy, explain" at least i didnt stutter right?

"okay it all started when i used to live in ohio, i met arely in freshman year in my old school. She was my girlfriend for a couple of months before i had to move here. I went to tell arely that i was moving and we should break up but before i could tell her she was gone, i didnt know were she went or if she was coming back so i decided to leave it alone and hopefully she got the hint that we broke up. I never thought i would meet up with arely again, i already sorted things out between me and her and she understands that im with you now. Cathy i would never hurt you, i love you."

His last words left me with tears ready to fall. I then began to sob crying every drop i had in my eyes. Freddy hugged me tight but not too tight and i felt save with him, i felt like nothing could hurt me but then i thought about me hurting myself and how i was going to tell freddy.

My thoughts were then inturupted by freddy smashing his lips to mine. I missed his lips, i missed how soft and gentle his lips felt on mine, how they tasted like sweet strawberrys. I new i loved freddy but i was afraid.

Freddy then stopped kissing me and looked me straight in the eyes and said the words i feared he would say.

"cathy tell me the truth, were you in the hostpital because you cut yourself?".

I didnt know what to do at that point i just began to cry not caring freddy was staring at me. I slowly nodded my head and loward my head down, afraid of what freddy might do.

I then felt my face being lifted up and met with two blue crystal eyes. I felt my sleeves being lifted up. I looked down at my arms to see scars going up and down my arms.  What surprised me the most was when freddy lifted my arms up and started kissing every scar on my arms. I stared at him in shock. Why would he do that?

"cathy i love you and im here for you, im never going to leave you, im going to save you. Why would you do this to yourself?"

"your wrong freddy no one can save me. I did this to myself for relief to take away all the pain i had inside." the words i spoke were true, no one can save me now.

"thats not true cathy im going to save you and help you even if i die trying ill do anything for you and we will get through this together because i love you, please dont do this to yourself anymore, promise me you wont do it again."

"i promise." i had to keep my promise,for freddy.

With that he slowly leaned in and kissed me, oh how missed him.

A/N i hope you guys liked this chapter. I made it long like i promised. Enjoy<3

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