chapter 9 - an amazing 2 date

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Hey guys im back. Im sorry i havent updated in a while i hope u guys like this chapter.💖


It was monday morning and i had just woken up from a nightmare.

I thought i had gotten rid of those when i was 8, i guess not.

I quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I wasnt really in the mood to wear something fancy so i took a quick shower and picked out some sweatpants and a loose t-shirt and matched it with my brown cardigan.

 I wasnt really in the mood to wear something fancy so i took a quick shower and picked out some sweatpants and a loose t-shirt and matched it with my brown cardigan

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I quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen and headed out the door.

Once i got to school i made my way to my locker and grabbed my books for 1st period class.

I was about to close my locker when someone wrapped there arms around my waist making me almost drop my books.

"Oh hey freddy".

"Good morning beautiful how are you today".

Omg he called me beautiful!." Im okay".

"Um want to go somewere after school to hang out and stuff".

"Um yeah sure. "

"Cool meet me out in the parking lot after school then".


After giving me my goodbye kiss i headed to 1st period.

After a couple of boring classes went by it was finally lunch.

I dont usually eat school lunch so i just sit with ashely.

As i was making my way to me and ashelys table i spotted the new girl arely. I didnt really want to pay much attention to her so i just kept walking to the table.

Once i got to the table i sat down were ashely was already digging into her chicken sandwich.

After a while of me and ashely talking freddy sat down next to me.

"Babe why arnt you eating?"

"oh um i dont eat lunch". Its true i usually just wait till i get home, i mean have you seen what they feed us here.

"What, why arnt you hungry?". He seems worried about me, how cute.

"Um no not really and i usually wait till home because the food here isnt good."

"Babe that not good you should eat think about your health. Here at least eat this sandwich, my mom packed me an extra just incase i was still hungry."

"Fine". I really wasnt hungry but whatever makes him happy i guess.

After lunch was over i headed to the rest of my classes which by the way were boring.

After school was finally over i made my way to my locker, grabbed my homework and headed towards the parking lot to meet up with freddy.

I made my way towards freddy who was leaning on his jeep looking cute as always ( lol im so cheesy😊).

"Where are we going?" I didnt know were freddy was taking me but i hope its fun.

"Youll see just wait".

The car ride was mostly me and freddy singing to our favorite songs.
It took us about 20 minutes to get there it wasnt

I looked out the car window and saw the most beautiful thing ive ever seen.

The water was a perfect dark blue and the sand looked soft and a perfect perl white color.

Ive never been to the beach before its been on my bucket list for a while.

I looked over at freddy who was getting something from the trunk. He had a red basket im guessing filled with food. This reminded me of those romantic movies were the guy takes the girl out to the beach for a romantic picnic.

We made our way to this tent in the middle of the beach. It was lovely, there were roses everywere i felt like a princess.

"Do you like it?". He said.

"Are you kidding me, i love it omg freddy thank you." I felt like i was about to cry at that point.

"Aww your welcome babe, im glad you like it."

I still couldnt believe he did this. How did he manage to do this all by himself ?

Me and freddy spent the entire rest of the day there, talking, laughing, it was so much fun.

The sun was finally setting and a shade of purple and pink covered the sky.

Soon after the sun went down me and freddy packed everything up and headed back home. Everything was so perfect i didnt want it to end.

My life has changed a lot since freddy entered it. I really love him and he just makes me happy.

The car ride home was quite yet peaceful. My eyes were starting to get heavy but i refused to close them for afraid i would wake up and it would all be just a dream.

"You should probably go to sleep we still have 20 more minutes till we get home,ill wake you up when we get there."

"Hmmmm". Was i all i said before i blanked out into a very deep sleep.

[20 minutes later]

"Cathy wake up were here, babe".

"Hmm, what?". I didnt want to wake up or move i was too lazy.

I reached my hand up like what a baby does when it wants it mom and wraped them around freedy's neck.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Mmmm." I really didnt feel like talking either lol.

"Okay fine ill take that as a yes".

Freddy carried me up to my room and set me on my comfy bed. He placed the covers over me and kissed me on the forehead. Right as he was about to leave i reached his hand.

"Thank you for tonight, i really loved it."

"Your welcome, now go to sleep you need your rest."

That was the last thing i heard before falling again into a deep sleep wishing my perfect day could have lasted longer.

A/N sorry i wrote it a little bit short ive been having writers block and i havent had enough time to write. I hope you giys liked this chapter💖.

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