Chapter22~My first night with you1 in Jeju (part8)

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Mina POV:
After everyone left. Jinyoung excuse himself to do his night routine.  He is now in the bathroom. Me? I just sit next to the stair case one of the bunk bed with my head laying on the side. I am soo stress right now. I mess my hair with frustration. Why do my grandma have to be ill. I thought She is in a good condition last two week. Why all a sudden? Suddenly I received a message from my dad. Hope it good. I unlock my message and saw the message...nope...... it... bad news.......
The first message.
Mina.. bad news..... your mom just fainted outside your grandma surgery room. She is now in the check up room.
Second message
Your mom is ok. Don't worry. She have too much stress right now. Also she haven't sleep all day she keep take care of your grandma and didn't take care of herself. Now her vision is blurry and she very bad headache. I will take care of it. Don't you worry. Keep enjoy your trip in Jeju.
I just text back.
Thanks dad. I will enjoy my trip to Jeju. Make sure you take care of yourself. Ok?
A reply message
Ok. Bye Mina take care
I reply back
Bye. Take care dad.
Seriously! How can I enjoy my vacation. Right now I have double stress. First,Grandma have illness to recover Second,Mom have a very bad headache and didn't take care of herself. I angry and stress right now. I throw my cellphone on floor just when Jinyoung came out the bathroom. I can tell he is shock but I don't care. STRESS!! I really want to pull my hair!!
I keep bump my side of my head on the staircase. I  don't care if I will hurt me or not. Suddenly someone stop me and wrapped his arm around me. Someone that is Jinyoung. Only him know how I feel right now. I burst in tear on his shoulder as he sat next to me caressing back of my hair. I feel warm and safe when he is near or around me. My feelings grow for him, actually I open my heart to him I don't know if he will accept or not. But, it warm and safe. After a few minutes I tears stop as I lay my head on his chest.
Jinyoung POV:
I just came out of the bathroom. I heard something smash very hard on the floor. I walk to my bed where Mina is. She now bumping her head on the side of the woodern staircase. No wonder why her group members sent her to stay with me. She can do dangerous stuff alone. Her hair was cover her whole face. I can only hear silence sob. I walk over and hug her in my warm embrace and caress her back of her head. As I sat next to her she cry in my shoulder. "It OK. It OK." I clam her down. She broke the hug and get her phone the floor. Thankfully her phone isn't broken or crack. She handed me her cellphone asking me to look through the message that her dad sent her while she still in my embrace with her arm wrapped around my waist as my arm around her shoulder.
I read the message I quite shock. If it was me I would be crying too. I got what she mean now. Somehow my feeling grow, I fell for her deeper. My heart skip beats whenever she is near or close to me. My whole body is on fire and right now I am blushing real hard. I never have this feeling for a long time. Until Mina saw my face red and think she hug me too tight that had my body burning. She ask me if I'm ok. So I lie that I'm ok. But she didn't believe me. So I told her my pass memories *(Makeup. Don't worry)*"Before I debut, I use to date one of my mom's friends daughter. She is kind and have a popular beauty just like You. But You is more beautiful than her." Her face turn light pink when I said that. Cute~ "Many people use to ship her and the other popular boy because of that boy's handsome and manly personality. That girl alway said to me they are enemy or they hate each other. All she say is she like me alot and hate the boy who people ship them two together and promise me she will never cheat and I'm alway her. I believe her since I was too stupid and attracted her words. One day I was been drag by my mom and her mom. We were at the mall. We spotted her and a familiar boy hugging each other laughing.  She never did these things with me when we are dating. When my mom and her mom saw that they both were quite shock. We all didn't know that she would cheat on me like that. I was very angry and exit the mall without saying a word. That day I ask for break up which she beg not to. But eventually I did.  I was too stupid to fell for her. Fell for her lies." I couldn't finish the whole memories with that cheater. I don't want to happen again. I want someone who won't cheat on me. Someone who love me as much I love them. But then I want to really confess to Mina right now. She is the perfect girl that I wanted... I hope she won't cheat on me just like my previous one.........
To be continue...................................

Sorry for the lame makeup story I made. I think it really doesn't make sense. Sorry for the grammar and mistake I made~ Hehehehe...
Anyway thank you for 240+ votes and 5k+ reader/Viewer. Thank you so much. Make sure to vote and comment!!♡

To be continue........................................

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