Chapter25~Mission Fail?+The Secret (part11)

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Continue from chapter 24
Should we ask them now?
Sure why not. Mission start.
Until someone knock the door.
To Jihyo
Actually Mission Fail. It only the beginning and we already fail. Let ask later for sure.
I run toward the door and open the door and saw CEO and all my labelmate. "Annyeong!" I bow."oh. Annyeong. JB-ah" as all coming in. "Oh. Annyeong Twice"ask CEO walk in my room. Twice stand up and bow all of our labelmate. "Good. Good. You all in here. We all get bored and they complain they have no fun" point 2AM,2PM, MissA and other Labelmate. "So we decided to join you guys. I knock every door but no one answer. So you guy must here. So here we are join fun with you guys." As CEO said. Fun? "Um.. we are about to watch some drama or some show. We have nothing to watch."Nayeon reply. "Oh. I was watching the drama" Cinderalla and the four knight"(A:N/ second drama I watch #2). It was pretty good. Wanna watch. I downloaded every single episode. I even have a laptop for my drama. I download every single drama I heard. For my furture time." Said Fei noona. "Wow Fei, I never know you watch drama. Sure bring your laptop." Said CEO with a laugh. " well, Duh.. I watch all drama. I even watch Suzy drama and Jin young drama." Laugh Fei noona. Haha. Every single drama. A laptop full of drama. I heard it from my mom. As all sit around the T.V and wait for the Fei Noona to be ready with her drama laptop. Drama start. It was quite interesting since I am not a fan of drama but really the drama is very enjoyable. Hehe. After everyone went back to their room. Only us GOT7&TWICE are left. I here my phone vibrate in my pocket. I check.
From Jihyo
Hi.. I feel so werid where Mina is on my right and Jinyoung on my left. They keep giving stared. I can't focus on the drama. Help me.
I look at Jihyo who give a look as she mouth "Help me" until she get caught by Mina."Jihyo what are you doing? You are talking to yourself."
"Um....  Nothing. I'm in my land. Jihyoland or Jisooland." She smile a bit. I was chucking where everyone start to laugh."Me too. I was in my Wang Jack-Sonland." Joke Jackson. Follow by BamBam "me three. I am in BamBamland who is thinking I'm in Hawaii sitting on the beach chair wearing sunglasses while drinking coconut. Then the next second I am in the sky flying to my hometown Thailand." Everyone started to laugh real hard. "Nice Start Jihyo."laugh CEO.
My phone vibrate again.
From Jihyo
Mission Fail. Wait till they are all gone. Except for Mina and Jinyoung.

Mark POV:
I was sitting beside JB. I still don't understand why he was smile at his phone. He is a person who alway holding a phone. Not because of texting but playing games. But this time he is texting for sure. I look around. No one is holding a cellphone. But Jihyo's is facing down.
"Yo. What are you doing" I whisper.
"Nothing" he whisper back.
I raise one of my eyebrow.
"OK.fine. found someone that is mysterious and werid these days." He whisper.
Mysterious and Werid. I know.
"Mina and Jinyoung. Right." I whisper. He nodded. Showing me his conversation with JIHYO?!? A mission. That sound fun." Need help?" He nodded. "I'm in."I said. He nodded. He now added me, Him and Jihyo in a group chat.
JB: Mark is in.
Jihyo: good we need help anyway. Ok. So the mission is when everyone is out. you guys ask Jinyoung what happen and I ask Mina what happen. That way we know what going on.  Because it werid and uncomfortable.
But don't tell anyone. Put your headphone on because we are litening to each other conversation. If you tell. We will get in trouble. And of course I am going to kill one of you who telllll.... *Evil Laugh Jihyo**
Me: sure. I won't tell. Let start. Movie is about to end in.... 2 minutes...

I look at Jinyoung. Finally movie end. Everyone started to get up and ready to leave. I told other to leave first. Which they follow. Jihyo bring Mina to her room. Before the movie end. We put head phone and decide call each other to listen the conversation.  Smart. "Yo. Jinyoung. Why are you werid these days?"ask JB."me? Werid? Of course not." We raise a brow. "Of course not? Are you sure? You better tell me before I going to force you to split it out." I said.
"Fine. You better keep it a secret."
We nodded.
"Ok. Mina and I are couple. Not official yet. But maybe end of the year."
"I know something behind it. But we won't tell. It better when you tell the truth. It getting late you should rest. Bye" JB and I wave. As he leave we can hear Jihyo from other line saying bye to Mina.
"MISSION COMPLETE!!!" Jihyo scream from the other line. Me and JB laugh.  "It gettting late. You guys should sleep tomorrow is our last day." Said Jihyo
"Ok. You should get rest too. Bye." "Bye~". We ended the call as i wave good bye and exit the room. Feel soo good after finding the truth behind it.

Hi!!! Another Chapter.  It a bit lame............. but I hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the grammar and the mistake. Thank you for 290++ votes and 7K++ viewer. Thank you soo much for your supports.  Make sure to vote and comment for any idea or couple for next chapter!!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH

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