Chapter 33 ▪ The Male Sleeping Quarters

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"Five minutes. It's been 5 minutes."

"Seven, I say, seven."

"We could at least just hear if he's done."

They all agreed but Karys had to hold it, for Tierra still could not control her giggles.

The pocket mirror was opened.

"Oh, he's just walking through the hallway now," Karys announced.


Memphis adjusted the face towel on his neck before turning their door knob.

Aldin was on his bed, reading a book. Simmon and Eybrem were examining lumen leftovers on a table. They have secretly pocketed it all this time.

1, 2, the side, Salovin could be seen doing push ups.

Memphis grimaced at this and exhaled in irritation.

8, 9, 10...

He passed by to open a drawer but sidestepped on Salovin's left hand.

"Sorry," Memphis went and scavenged for clothes.


Memphis leaned back and this time stepped on the whole of Salovin's palm.

"Ow!" Salovin slapped the floor with his hands and stood up, his face nearing Memphis.

Memphis chested out, undaunted. "An accident," he breathed.

"What do you want?" Salovin challenged.

"Well, I wanna be a warrior too. But I'm not gonna be a show off to us normal people here, day in, day out," Memphis exclaimed, not losing eye contact.

Salovin looked around. His bunkmates' faces seem to be agreeing with Memphis. Aldin shook his head and went back to his book.

Maybe he has been overdoing his fitness session the past days that others have gotten offended. His brows furrowed, looking to the ground.

"Plus, this room's just too small for all your exercises. Maybe it's high time you get a royal room of your own, Prince," Memphis went on.

Salovin bit his tongue to stop himself from answering. Resigned, he clenched his fists and walk away. Aldin sighed to follow him outside.

The door shut with a slam.

"Psh. Adopted show-off!" Memphis barked and kicked the prince's sword with a clang to the ground.


Karys was tearing up,
"To think, I forgave him awhile ago and even felt bad for using him as emissary! Ugh! He's just as rotten as I thought he is!" She was banging her fist to the bed, this time out of frustration.

"I didn't know Salovin was bullied too..." Tierra added.

Serin rubbed Karys's back, "But at least we found the sword."


"You okay there, buddy?" Aldin found his friend leaning on a window to the end of the hallway. He placed a hand to his shoulder.

Salovin huffed, "They just don't understand

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Salovin huffed, "They just don't understand...the pressure...the duties."

"I know, I know. It's no joke...what you're in," Aldin patted his back. He squinted to the afternoon sun, "You know Memphis. Loud. Annoying. He's just like that now, but once he's a warrior and next in line to his father, the head guard, he'll get some sense to him."

Salovin looked at his childhood friend's face, "'bout you, bro? You sure you don't wanna be one?"

"Nah," the artist's son answered, "My father and mum led peaceful lives having none of those charges. I'm okay with a regular job."

Salovin nodded to this.

"Let's get back. Maybe a shower will cool your head."


"There you go, at least that's just one eye short," Karys said, smoothing the doll's shirt and handing it back to Tierra, one obsidian eye back to its socket.

Tierra took the toy, "You know what, these dolls actually have family names. Kiefer's is....uhm...something G...Galen...Garner...what was it..."

"Golde!" Serin giggled.

Three of them found this extra amusing.

"Very funny," Karys retorted.

"He does have the same color as your eyes, Karys," Tierra joked.

"Stop it. I'm still mad at Memphis."

"Aww no need to be so gwumpy to your wittle bwother," Tierra singsang while nearing Kiefer to her friend's face.

"Ugh, Tierra!"

There was another round of laughter.

Karys pushed the doll away and started combing her tresses, "Well, you're in a spritely mood, considering your co-royalty was just bullied."

Tierra sighed, she walked across the room to sit on the tea table chairs, "I know...I just...sometimes..."

Tierra felt a pull in her stomach, she looked at Kiefer's face...a reflection...a dark figure...she turned around, no one was there.

"What? Seen a ghost?"

Maizy looked up from her notepad.

"N-nno," she placed Kiefer on the table face down, Where DID this doll come from? "I...I'll take a nap."

"What? But you just did?" Karys complained.

Serin kneeled to open her trunk, placing backn what must have been her precious herb knife.

Karys positioned her brush on the dresser, "Hey, I've got an idea. Since you're so spritely this early afternoon, Tierra, why don't you cheer us all up?"

Tierra was now on her bed, pulling the covers to her toes, "H-how? If you're asking me to dance, Karys, I'd rather have the earth swallow me up."

"Pfft, no, silly!"

"What then?"

Karys smiled at Serin then to Tierra, "Show us your room!"

Serin was nodding, Maizy's jaw dropped.

"Pretty pleeeaase!"

"But, isn't much."

"But I'm 100% sure it's better than ours. Pleeease!"

"Okay, okay."

"Really?? Yes!" Karys high-fived with the others.

"But I'm warning you, I'm the kind who likes things simple."

"Enough chitchat, let's go!" and with that Karys pulled Tierra from the bed, leaving the blankets to the floor.

A mixture of emotions in this chapter... it isn't easy being Salovin. The girls are in a light mood. :)

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