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14 days/ 2 weeks later
5th, October, 2016
New York

Location: LaGuardia High School for Arts.


I was currently in the girls bathroom of LaGuardia high, locked in one of the bathroom stalls. Mother Nature decided to take her anger out on me, nearly a MONTH early.

I've been spotting and cramping badly since yesterday and, experiencing new symptoms that I never had before. I've never felt this way during one of my cycles before, these cramps are giving me the feeling of death, and my breast are so tender to the touch of my hands. Also to add to the list, My head hurts, and am feeling very tired. I just want to go home and sleep.


"Nicki!" I heard no other than Candi's voice call out as the doors for the bathroom stalls open and close.

"Nic..." I heard her say again now pushing on the door of the stall I was in. She popped her head up under the locked door looking up at me.

"You good? Open the door. " she said removing her head from beneath the stall door.

I sat up from my slouched position and went to unlatch the door for her. When it opened I took the two steps slowly back to the toilet seat. She entered and she locked the door behind of her and leaned her back against it bracing herself, she then looked down at me with concern in her eyes.

"what's wrong Nika? It's not like you to miss classes."

"Candace, I'm dying!" I cried out grabbing a hold of my stomach after feeling another cramp.

"What do you mean you're dying?" she asked trying to hide her laugh.

" My stomach! I'm on my cycle and this shit hurts!"

"Awe, Baby! Did you take some ibuprofen? That usually works for me." She said now playing in my hair.

"No I -" I stopped mid sentence, feeling the urge to vomit.

I got up and turned around quickly, lifting the lid of the toilet and puked my guts out.

"Shit!" I heard Candi say as I soon felt her hands wrapping around my hair, removing it from my face and out the way.

She unraveled some toilet paper from the role and handed it to me after I was finished. I then flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth with the paper while groaning out, and taking a seat back on the lid.

"I think you should go home Nic. You don't look too good." she said taking my hair out of my face once again.

"Yeah, I think that is best, cause I feel like shit." I responded honestly, getting up from the toilet seat.

"OK, just rinse your mouth out with some water, then chew on this gum. "


Finally getting home, I walked in to find an empty house, which I very much appreciate. My mother was at work, Sherwin... I don't know where he's at, and of course my brothers are still at school.

I walked straight into the kitchen, because I was a bit hungry, actually starving. I feel like I could devour a whole house and I would still be hungry.

After eating every and anything that looked appetizing to me I made my way up the stairs and took a warm shower. After my shower I wrapped my towel around my body and walked to my room.

I stood in front of my full body mirror and examined myself, which was kind of a routine of mine. I noticed that my breast looked a bit fuller. My stomach wasn't huge, I wasn't fat but I was a bit bloated, which I assume to be another one of Mother Nature's symptoms.

After my quick examination and observation, I got dressed and entered my bed. I was so exhausted and I don't know why, I haven't done shit. As I got more comfortable in my bed, I shot Tony a quick text to tell him that I came home early. He replied two minutes later, but I didn't have the time to read or reply because sleep took me over.

Some Hours Later

"NO! CAUSE YOUR RASS HOLE TINK ME A PLAY WITH YOU!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs, waking me from my slumber.

I groaned out in annoyance, because I swear she's always making noise. I was still a bit tired so I turned my body in efforts to ignore her, but I became alert when I felt a tight grip around me.

I looked up to find Tony sleeping with his large arms wrapped around my small body. He must have came after work. I smiled up at him and snuggled my head into his neck trying to go back to sleep.

"SO YOU MOTHER SCUNT TINK ME LOVE SHARE THINGS!?!" I heard my mother shout again as a glass shattered which alarmed me.

It is not something new for my mother to make noise, she Curse and bicker for every little thing but you can tell when she is dead serious and really upset.

My mother has been living in the states for like over eleven years, she still has her Trinidadian accent but it is a bit twisted with American. So if you hear her speaking or shouting in raw dialect just know she's real pissed.

I pulled myself out of Tony's grip and exited my room closing the door behind me. I made my way to the top of the stairs and saw my brothers sitting on the steps listening to everything.

"What happen to mommy? " asked taking a seat next to them.

"She said that Sherwin cheated on her." Jelani answered not taking his eyes from the commotion taking place.

"why am I not shocked?" I replied rolling my eyes.

"FUCK YOU TOO!" my mother shouted as the front door slammed shut indicating that Sherwin left.

We heard her walking up the steps so the three of us got up quickly and bolted to our separate rooms, not wanting to come in contact with her.


When I entered the room, I closed and locked the door behind me, climbing back unto the bed with Tony. He turned on his side and brought my body closer into him, he kissed my neck and sighed out in comfort.

"What was all the noise for?" he asked with sleep in his voice.

"Mommy and Sherwin got into an argument again." I told him, playing with the sheet on the bed.

"Oh OK.... How you feeling? You feel better?" he asked rubbing my stomach.

" I'm a little better now but am still tired, I don't know why I've been so tired lately. " I said as I tried to stifle a yawn.

"Mmm, go to sleep then." he said kissing my cheek rubbing my stomach as I soon drifted off to sleep.

Thank y'all for reading, hope you enjoy.
PLEASE excuse any errors made.

TonTon™ 😘

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