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Clarkes POV:
I wake up at about 9 am, roll out of bed, put some clothes on, brush my teeth, then check my phone. No notifications, nothing new. Same old thing just a different day. I eat some cereal. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, of course what else? Im walking out of my apartment and its about 10:30 am and I see that couple again. The guy that looks like Bellamy and the blind girl. Hey, I wonder if that's the same girl that has the job opening. Poor guy probably doesn't like the job, but it has a good pay, I wonder what he's leaving for. Eh whatever I don't really care. I gotta get to work.
"Hey Boss, goodmorning."
"Hey Clarke, listen I was gonna call you earlier but i'm actually gonna close the shop today. My grandfather just passed and I need to be with my family."
"Oh, Im so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"
"No there isn't, just take the day off."
Wow, I feel like i should do something. Pat him on the back? No that's weird i've only known him for a few days. Hopefully his family can recover from this though, poor guy. But I guess i got the whole day to myself huh? I think i'm just gonna take a walk in Central Park, ive never been let's see how nice it is.
3 hours later

Amazing! Belvederes Castle in the park was so crazy! It was small but the view was totally worth it. My favorite thing was definitely the John Lennon tribute with the mosaic on the ground "Imagine". (pics above, i took them myself)
Im getting hungry lets see if there's anything to eat around here. Oh nice a little cafe in Central Park! How cute! I just want a pb&j sandwich and a milk. What? Everything here is healthy and gluten free... Eh its worth a shot. Ew oh my god this sandwich is terrible! The bread is rock hard i cant even bite into it! The milk isn't even milk it tastes like plants. Never going THERE again! I lost my appetite. Oh look, it's that blind girl and the guy again! What should i do? I kinda wanna go over there and say hi, it's so weird that i've seen them so many times and they've only acknowledged me once, and it wasn't for a good reason! Whatever i'll just go home now and call that number for a job interview again, maybe this time they'll pick up. It'd be so weird if it was the same blind girl as the one sitting 25ft in front of me. Probably is.
1 hour later
Alright i'm gonna call that number again.
ring... ring.... ring.. ring...
Its a guys voice.
"Yes hi, my name is Clarke Griffin. Im calling about that job offer i saw online. For a blind woman, yes?"
im kinda nervous
"Uh yes, correct. Can we meet up to do a proper interview? I know it says for a interview over the phone but I'm her father and just so happens im in town. Can we meet on tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure sounds great! What time?"
"Around 1pm, at a coffee shop in Manhattan on 15th street? Its called Johnny-Os"
"Sounds good! See you then!"
*hangs up*
Lol what? That is totally NOT how i thought that call would've gone! I mean it went good but i just thought that it would've been with the blind woman over the phone lol. But cool i got a job interview for something good. Im excited!!


Ok been up for a few hours on my phone ughh i'm so bored. Im hungry too. Lets see what's in the fridge, uhhh cereal? No. Muffin? Nah. Ramen Noodles? HELL YEAH. Omg i freaking love ramen noodles. Oh shit what time is it? ITS 12:30pm I HAVE THE INTERVIEW IN A HALF HOUR I GOTTA GET READY. I throw on some clothes and brush my teeth and throw my hair up in a bun and rush out the door. I don't even know where this place is so it might take me a bit to find it. I just hopped in my car and its now 12:45pm. Holy crap i gotta go, i type in the address and it says it's gonna take... A HALF HOUR TO GET THERE? Omg what am i gonna do, I gun it down the road and i'm going as fast as i can. Its about 20 mins later i'm 5 mins late to my interview But i made it! Phew so close, better late than never right? I see the guy sitting there in a chair by himself eating a burger and fries. He's the only one there so i'm assuming this is the guy i spoke with over the phone. Lets go!
I walk in the place and order some chili cheese fries and i walk over to the guy sitting down.

"Hi my names Clarke Griffin im here for the job interview."

"Yeah hey i'm Titus. So lets start this. Why do you want this job?"

"Well i just moved here and im looking for something to hold me over for a while until i get settled and can be able to sustain myself. And i believe attaining this job will help me gain experience for other jobs. And this way i'll be able to make friends."

"Alright cool, Have you ever taken care for anyone like this?"
"Uh yeah my grandma, she had Huntingtons disease and my mom couldn't take care of her so i had to."
"ok, you know this job is a full time job rigt? Like no breaks and you're basically a servant to my daughter?"
"Yeah, yeah that's not a problem just as long as i get to have some hours of the day to myself then i should be fine."
"Ok sounds good, you're definitely a perfect candidate, you just gotta pass one test. Meeting Lexa. Come with me to meet her"
We hop in his car and we drive for about 10 minutes to this beautiful apartment on the east side of Manhattan. Wow, they must have money because this place is NICE. After sitting in awkward silence for about 10 mins we get out of the car....

What do you think will happen when she meets Lexa? Next chapter will include Lexas POV. So be excited!!! Next update will be Jan 24th!!!
Thank you for reading!!! XOXO

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