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Its a good thing my dad put up that help wanted sign online because i can't STAND the person i have now. His names Anthony and he's so annoying omg. He gets paid to HELP me but that's the exact opposite of what he does. I have to make my own food, find things on my own, and get myself dressed, just regular stuff that is VERY difficult to do if you're blind!! The only thing he does is take me out for walks, and when he does it's a silent one, he won't talk or anything. Speaking of taking a walk, a few days ago we were on our walk and this girl just screams a name "BELLAMY?" like she was confused. It was really weird I don't know why she did that.
But anyways my dad called Anthony to tell him and me that he's coming with a new girl named Clarke for a job interview, apparently she passed his test now she's just gotta pass mine.
They'll be here in 5 mins, hopefully she's nice because if she is im hiring her and firing Anthony. That worthless piece of crap. I should probably get dressed, ugh oh god. Hopefully what i'm grabbing is a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Oh, they're here!
"Lexaaa!" Anthony calls.
"What?" I yell back.
"They're here!"
I grab my stick from its usual spot in the corner  and start my way downstairs. Regular people probably think stairs are difficult for blind people, but they're actually not, it's only starting and ending that's hard. The steps in the middle are constant so it's not that hard.
So i make it downstairs and i sit on the couch facing the tv while i wait for them to walk in. Anthony comes over... and gives me a cup of tea? What the heck... He has never done this, in the 2 years of him working here he has never made me tea. Or anything for that matter! I guess he's trying to be nice now that his job is on the line, hahaaa, nothing he does now will help him keep this job.
"Hey, Lexa!" my dad walks in.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I have someone I want you to meet, this is Clarke the one who applied for the job. Why don't you come over and say hi? We will be in the kitchen."
"Yeah sure dad ill meet you there in a few minutes" i reply. I grab my stick and my tea (which hopefully isn't poisoned god knows what anthony might do) and start my way to the kitchen.
"Hey dad" im in the kitchen now.
"Hey, come here, this is Clarke she's 22 years old and she wants the job. Come talk with her."
"Oh um ok, Hi... Clarke, im Lexa." I say.
Clarke responds with, " Uh Hi..."
Then there's a 5 second awkward silence, oh god what do i do? I haven't met a new person in so long!
"So uh, have you always lived in New York? Or did you just move?" Phew, got some words out my mouth.
"I just moved here about a few months ago, from California." she says.
"Oh yeah? That's cool, ive never been to California, is it nice over there?" California? Cool.

Clarkes POV

"Oh yeah? That's cool, ive never been to California, is it nice over there?" she asks
"Oh yeah Californias beautiful, much greener than Manhattan and the Golden Gate bridge is just a sight.......... Oh my god i'm so sorry," What is wrong with me?? How could i forget that she was blind????!? OMGG Im so stupid! Im probably not gonna get the job now, i feel so bad!
"Im sorry I didn't mean to-" i continue
She has a smirk on her face
"Haha no its okay! Don't beat yourself up! People often forget that i'm blind its ok! Even my dad forgets sometimes haha," she says as she puts her hand on my boob. She just put her hand on my boob? I push my chair back away a little. She just has this shocked expression in her face, as do I! What the hell?
"Umm, why did you ju-"
"Im so sorry! Oh my god! I didn't mean to do that i meant to put my hand on your shoulder and oh my god i'm so sorry! I guess i don't remember where shoulders are, im so sorry! Im very sorry that was an accident omg." she continues. And i just start laughing and giggling because that was the funniest thing ever. She tried to reach for my shoulder and she touched my BOOB! Oh my god i started laughing so hard I was crying. She had a really confused look on her face as i was laughing my ass off. So i tried to explain,
"HAHAAAA OMG You tried to put your hand on my shoulder and you missed? HAHAHAHAAA OHHH MY GODD HAHAAAA" I say VERY loudly. lol
"Wait, what? You're not mad? Haha" she starts to smile.
"Hahaa! No im not mad! I mean it'd be nice if you didn't do it again but that was pretty funny ahahahaa." You know, this job interview seems way more casual than I thought it would be. Lexa is actually pretty cool. I mean, as long as she doesn't touch my boob again. Haha.
"So do you got any questions for me?" she asks.
"Yeah, have you been blind your whole life? If you don't want to answer its fine I understand."
I say.
"Uhm no actually, I became blind about 14 years ago when I was 9... my um... my mom... we ... You know can i give you a raincheck on that answer?" she sniffles and her voice cracks.
"Yeah yeah, for sure. Do you need a tissue?"
"No im fine its ok thank you." she replies
"Ok.." she sniffles a little more then wipes her face.
"I have a question, and its kinda weird.."
"Um ok, what is it?" What could it possibly be? Hopefully she doesn't wanna touch my boob again.
"Yeah could I just feel your face? And before you object I just wanna clarify that it's for me to know what you look like haha. I don't just wanna randomly touch your face." she chuckles.
Feel my face? I hate when people touch my face but, I guess she can so she knows what I look like.
"Yeah ok" I answer
So she starts to feel my face, and all the grooves and imperfections. This is kinda weird, you know, Lexas really pretty. Her eyes shine bright green, her long dark curly hair, the little faces she makes as she studies my face.. Uhmmm
"So you got it?" I say and quickly step back in nervousness, stopping those thoughts.
"Yeah I got it. Thanks" she says with a wide smile on her face.
"Yeah, no problem." I say.
"Lexa! Are you done yet?" my dad yells from the living room.
"Yeah! We're all good!" she replies. He starts walking to the kitchen.
"So did she get the job?" he asks.
"Yeah, she most certainly did." she says with a little smirk.
"Yay! Thank you so much for today I had a lot of fun meeting with you guys." I say.
"Yeah, so did we! So, you start on Monday! Be here by 8 am so that I can teach you the basics of the house! Im leaving New York on Monday at 5pm  so hopefully we can get things done before then, so Clarke it was great to meet you and have a wonderful weekend. See you Monday! Bye!" he says
"Bye Mr.T! Bye Lexa!" I yell back.
I start walking to the driveway when I realize, my car isn't here! I didn't drive here, Titus, Lexas dad, drove me here. Oh my god this is going to be so awkward. Unless I wanna call a cab and waste 10 bucks getting back to Johnny-Os where my car is, I guess I gotta knock on the door and ask for a ride there. Here I go.
Knock Knock Knock
Titus opens the door..
"Yeah, what's up?" he says
"Right, I just realized that my car is at Johnny-Os where we were earlier and I was wondering if you could give me a ride back hehe." I say nervously.
"Oh yeah totally! Im so sorry i completely forgot about that haha! Come on lets go."
Alright yes! It worked out.
"Lexa! Ill be back in about 15 minutes I gotta drop off Clarke back at Johnny-Os!" He yells
"She lives at Johnny-Os??" she yells back.
"HAHA! No she doesn't that's just where she left her car before coming here!" he says
"Ohhh ok that makes more sense! Bye!" she yells.
Lol she thought I lived at Johnny-Os? Hahaa that would suck!

Lexas POV

Wow Clarke is actually a lot more fun than I anticipated. Do you think it will be an issue that im lesbian? I hope she doesn't have a problem with it. Honestly, when I was feeling her face, I felt really close to her which was... weird. It's something i've never felt before, with anyone. Similar to what I felt with... Costia. But this was stronger, Costia was nothing compared to this. Why am I even thinking about her? She broke my heart and tore me apart. Clarke isn't like that, she's sweet, kind-hearted, and from what I felt she wasn't ugly. I didn't get a good read because she backed away to quick, maybe i'll get another chance. Maybe not, who knows. I think she's gonna be the best helper i've ever had, maybe even my best friend.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Hopefully you like this chapter, I made it just a little bit longer than the rest. Hopefully as I get used to writing these more often it will become easier to write long ones. How do you think Lexa became blind? And what do you think about Clarkes thoughts about Lexa? What do you think Costia did to Lexa? Keep reading to find out! And make sure you vote to show me that you liked it! XXXX Love you all!
(and p.s. i knew i said i was gonna upload on Jan 25th but I just couldn't wait to get this one out!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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