Dark forest...
Tall trees...
Silence everywhere...
Growing fears in the air...Cool breeze,
Through the leaves.
Daylight is slipping,
Darkness is coming.In here,
Everything is alive.
From the,
wild moving air,
To the ground.
That you feel might,
crumble Under your feet any, second.Screams are silenced here-
Eyes open wider,
Ears hear sharper,
To see and hear their suffers of never ending.Of whomever,
Who has ever entered into this dark forest.
Their screams of pain and
agony,Will pop your eyes out.
andwill get your ears bleeding.
Your stomach will feel sick,
Painful and disgusted.You're going to feel their innocence and fears....
So as you're going to pay for their...
SINs !
When I Close My Eyes
Poezie• It's just a release of mind. • A scream we all do, at certain points of our lives. • It's dark. But the darkness sometimes might break into light. • At times, might get you down and the other time may get you up. • Sometimes inspiring and sometim...