In this world we live,
Many times,
We get weak.Even more times,
We don't want to live.Pray for the pain to decrease,
Or ask for some ease.But none be heard,
None be cared about.That's what we think,
That's what I thought.Isolated is what I feel,
Isolated is what I like to feel.Happiness doesn't fit me.
Happy....It feels
.... temporary....So don't wanna get used to it.
It's good...being with me,
Staying with myself.Feeling the silencing,
Enjoying the peace.No noise nothing.
I'm feeling good...
I'm feeling great...finally I learnt how to cope with it.
In this world we live,
We get
Many ways to get rid of it.
But even more chances,
To fix it.Until it's the limit.
regret and nagging,
Is all we're left with.So
let's mend our ways
At least ATTEMPT it,Believe me,
it makes a large difference...
I don't wanna preach.(Even tho U/I know most of the time we all do)
But this time,
It's just more of a reminder,
For myself.That I'd liked to
Share with my orangies.That forever I want yoú to be the color green
I hope your days be sunnier
Than usually !!!!
When I Close My Eyes
Poesía• It's just a release of mind. • A scream we all do, at certain points of our lives. • It's dark. But the darkness sometimes might break into light. • At times, might get you down and the other time may get you up. • Sometimes inspiring and sometim...