Why? Why is that? Why does everyone I get even remotely close to commit suicide. Why? I just don't understand. I don't understand. I wish my life was normal. I wish... I wish... I wish I was normal... I wish I had a normal life... I wish I had a normal mind...
Emily killed herself. Emily is dead. Emily and Kathrene are dead.
I want to be with. I want to be with Emily. I want to be with Kathrene. I want to be with my friends, sisters.
I think I'm going to do it. Kathrene wasn't enough. Emily wasn't enough for me. But then together?... Pushes me past my breaking point. So far past my breaking point that I don't know how to think anymore. I don't know how to breathe. I don't know how to feel emotions other than sadness. Depression. Worthlessness. Loneliness. I just don't know... what I can do to make things better
I know I'll miss Kaitlyn. I know I'll miss Abby. But I miss Emily and Kathrene even more..