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Author's Note: Okay! Here we are! Just thought I'd tell you, this chapter takes place before the formation of Aerosmith. Joe Perry and Steven Tyler play the same gig, but they are both in completly seperated​ bands. Anyway, that's all.



Summer, 1970

'He looked at her the way all women wanted to be looked at by a man...' I read, my fingers pinching the corners of my paperback.

"Charming..." Joe mumbled, not looking up from the guitar, which was resting in his lap. He sat cross-legged with his dark hair falling into his eyes, meaning I couldn't see the majority of his face when looking at him.

Huffing, I disgarded the book - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald -, carelessly tossing it on the mucky floor.

Joe and I sat backstage, he got ready to go on stage. This was probably one of The Jam Band's biggest gigs. Joe sat with me, tuning his guitar and Tom and Joey fiddled with their instruments, doing god knows what.

And me? I came simply to support the band. Let alone, Joe was practically my best friend. Not to mention, I loved going to gigs, especially if I got to hang backstage.

"We're on in a minute..." Joe muttered, turning to me and raising himself off the sofa.

Joe's features were almost perfectly proportionate. Thick locks of dark hair, soft - hooded - eyes, full brows and sharp jaw. Sure, Joe was just my friend and nothing more...but, regardless, he was undeniably good-looking.

The last band had just come off stage, rather sweaty and exhausted. Joe, Tom and Joey extanged glances as they all prepared to go on stage. Joe sat up from the sofa completly and joining his band mates. They checked their instruments and spoke a few words and firm nods, before heading out.

I sighed, crossing a leg over the other and running my hands up my jean clad thighs, drumming my fingers against my leg as I waited, a tad inpatiently, for Joe to start playing.

Seeing someone's figure block my vision and take the seat next to me, I looked up. It was the scrawny lad from the previous band that played. The one with a mess of dark hair and lips like Mick Jagger. He had a nonchalant posture. His dark eyes were darting around the room, not yet landing on me. Strikingly large, plump lips were parted a little and his thick brows were slightly furrowed as he bit into his lower lip with his well-maintened teeth.

"Are you playing tonight?" The boy turned to me, pointing a harmless finger at me in question, his brows becoming a little more furrowed.

"No, I'm not..." I replied bluntly, picking up my book again, opening it up and looking down at the printed words; Purposely trying to avoid talking to him. To be honest, I didn't feel I had the time nor the energy to even bother entertaining a conversation with anyone.

"Oh..." The boy (well, I say 'boy' but he looked about 20) nodded slowly, turning back to face forward as he stretched his lean body out in the chair. At this point, I thought I'd finally won - that our conversation had ended and I'd never have to speak to him again...Well, not anytime soon at least. That was, until I heard him speak up again, in that slightly coarse Boston accent of his.

"So why are you here then?" He asked softly, still looking straight ahead but clearly speaking to me. I sighed in annoyance, grumbling low profanities under my breath, before answering his question.

"Maybe I just wanna be here. Is that alright, kid?" I countered, aggressively. Perhaps my reaction was a little harsh but, as per usual, I was in a pissy mood.

"Alright, alright..." The boy mumbled, fiddling with the many many bracelets on his wrists, before he softly added "What are you then, a groupie or something?"

"I ain't not groupie!" I retorted angrily "and if you must know, I'm a friend of someone who is playing tonight." I set my book aside and folded my arms across my chest, realising this boy wasn't gonna stop talking anytime soon.

"Oh..." He spoke softly again "Well...I've just been on stage, actually. I'm in a band, it's called Chain Reaction. My name's Steven Tallarico and I-"

"Alright! I don't need a whole life story!" I snapped, cutting him off. "What's your name?" Steven asked.

"God, you're full of questions, aren't you?" I groaned, rolling my eyes tiresomely. "It's Lucy. Now, shut up, the bands about to start..." I hissed as the lights went down and the sound of an electric guitar rang out into the air.

Joe's band was sorta bluesy. A bit of Rock and roll and freeform. I loved the sound of them, though it wasn't really my type of music. I tended to lean towards heavier rock.

As they played, I listened to them closely. I'd heard the song many times, of course. Joe had rehearsed it a thousand times. I nodded along to it, mouthing the words I knew so well.

About half way through the song, I realised Steven had been completely silent through the music. "What's up with you?" I asked him, speaking up and leaning closer to him so I could be heard over the music. "N-Nothing..." He replied, clearing his throat "I...I just think your boyfriend is really good..."

"He's not my boyfriend..." I muttered "though, he'll be glad to know someone approves of his music"
"Yeah..." Steven nodded, as if intently focused on Joe "I really approve. Like...Maybe he could help my band out a little..."
I raised a brow. "Maybe..." I shrugged.

Yeah right, as if Joe would ever be involved in one of your bands...


Author's note:

So that was the first chapter! Wow! That took so much time to write - I rewrote it about 7 million times!

By the way,  This is the concert where Steven saw Joe play at, and therefore thought he should merge their two bands together.

Anyways, I know no one will read this but still. It's fun as fuck writing.

I'm betting there will be some mixed opinions about Lucy hahaha.

Hasta Luego~

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