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2 Weeks Later.

Heavy eyelids and achey legs from the way I slept, I stretched out my figure on the mattress. It was one of those fold-away beds, so I was constantly on edge about whether it would fold-away with me still on it and crush my bones... Dramatic, I know. But regardless.

As per usual, the sheet had rolled off the corners of the mattress, so the rough material of the mattress cover was pressed right up against my skin with nothing to cover it, making it rather itchy. The duvet was around my ankles and due to the intense heat of the summer, I wore nothing but my underwear to sleep in.

I was only interrupted by a sudden knocking at the door. Groaning, I raised myself out of the bed, grabbing a dressing gown to wrap my near-naked body in, tying the chord tightly around my middle. I huffed as I stumbled lazily down the stairs, yawning as I grabbed the keys from the stairs and opened up the door.

"Oh, it's you..." I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I greeted the man at the door "Steven Talla-something..."

The boy from the gig stood before me. From what I remember, having a conversation with him was more like a job interview. God, he would never shut up with the questions...

"Nearly" he shrugged, running a hand through his dark locks. His fingernails were each thickly coated with black nail varnish, which sorta matched the leather of his belt - which was also a polished black colour and secured around his hips with a bronze buckle.

"Well, I'm not gonna stand here and guess all day" I said with a small laugh, holding the door open "Come on in"
"Isn't this Joe's house?" He asked sheepishly, looking around.
"Yeah, I slept over here last night." I explained.
"Oh..." Steven nodded slowly, stepping inside, looking around and politely removing his shoes.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, he froze stiffly. "What are you doing?" Steven choked out as I saw a blush creeping into his cheeks, his eyes wide and attentive. "Taking your coat, idiot" I stated flatly.

"Oh, right..." Steven sighed in relief, a smile now plastered on his face as I slid the little black jacket off his thin frame. "What are you grinning about?"
"Nothing, nothing..." He replied quickly "you're very pretty, Lucy"

"That doesn't work on me..." I chuckled "I'm not gonna sleep with you just because you gave me some overused lie as a compliment... Joe's sleeping, by the way. It may be a while before he wakes."
"Can I stay?" Steven asked boldly. "It's not my house, I don't know" I shrugged.

"Well...Maybe you can help me with something?" Steven suggested, scooting close to me as we stood in the hallway. "Depends what it is..." I replied, looking up at him and folding my arms over my chest. "Do you have a piano here?" He asked. "Joe does..." I nodded, walking into the next room and gesturing to the large grand piano. Steven followed, glancing around the small room which was occupied by pretty much just the piano, Steven and I.

"I just can't figure out this song...I've been writing it for...God, too long." Steven grumbled, sitting down at the piano, stretching his fingers as he looked down at the keys. "May I?"
I nodded. "Go ahead"

He began to play a melody on the keys - a rather Beautiful one to be fair. As he played, Steven started to hum along too, as if he hadn't quite figured out the words. After a few more moments, he stood up from the piano and looked to me for approval.

"It's beautiful." I admitted with a nod, I stood in the door way, leaning against the frame. "I think so too" Steven nodded "Though, I just can't figure some of the words out. I was thinking it would go 'Dream On, Dream On, Dream On, Dream until your dreams come true'." He went on.

I nodded once more, considering what he just said. "Sing the 'Dream On' bit again." I said. Steven looked to me, biting his plump lower lip, before standing up straight and begining to sing - strangely, he seemed a little timid. "Dream On...Dream On..." He sung softly.

"Hmm..." I mused, chewing on my inner cheek, examining his performance. "Do it again, but louder"

Steven nodded obediently, before beginning to sing again. "Dream On, Dream On..."
"Louder." I commanded.
"Dream On, Dream On, Dream On" he sung louder.
"Now, higher!" I said firmly.
Steven then cleared his throat, before beginning to sing a little higher pitched. "Dream On, Dream On-"
"Higher!" I encouraged him, speaking up.
"Dream on, dream On!"
"Higher!" I practically shouted, grabbing a fistful of his hair in effort to make him obey.
Steven began to sing at his highest, almost screaming out the words. "Dream On! Dream On! Dream On!" He trailed off towards the end, gulping as I had a tight grip on his hair.

Smiling, I let go of his hair. "You're not too bad" I chuckled, stepping back. "just sing it like that. That's good." I nodded.

"You have a very, Erm, strange approach to teaching me..." Steven mumbled, rubbing his head. "I know" I laughed "but I'm a director at the local theatre group, so I know how to get people to do what I want"

"Director?" Steven questioned with to slight furrowing of his brows. "Well, Junior director" I laughed "I'm only 19"
"I see" Steven nodded.

"And, speaking of, I should probably get dressed. Rehearsals are in an hour and I gotta there." I sighed, exiting the room, Steven was quickly at my heels. "Can I come with you?" Steven asked softly. "With me?" I raised a brow "I thought you wanted to talk to Joe..."
"I can talk to him later" Steven shifted "besides, you're pretty cool. I wouldn't mind coming to see your rehearsal..."

I paused, considering. But shaking my head. "No" I said firmly "I'm sorry but you'd only get in the way."

Steven's face fell, as if a little offended. I couldn't lie, I kinda felt guilty. But, it's true, he would only get in the way.

"Oh...I guess in that case I better hit the road then. Do cabs come down this way?" Steven asked, turning to leave. "You're leaving? But I thought you wanted to speak to Joe! You can stay here while I go to rehearsals if you want."
"There'd be no point" Steven sighed.

I didn't ask him anymore questions from that point on. He oddly seemed like he only wanted to be with me, for reasons I couldn't explain.

"Just give me a minuits" I sighed, resting a hand on his shoulder affectionately "I'll give you a lift..."


Author's Note:

Hiya again! I'm really really sorry if this chapter seemed to be a little slow! I promise the next one will be a little more fast paced.


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