The Clock

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I watch the clock waiting for Sam to return.  I have all our boxes packed and ready to go for Wendlyn.  He should be here by now.  He promised me. I can't take it anymore!  I go into my room and put on my assassins suit.  Time to go hunting for Sam.  I leave the wearhouse and go to where Sam said he'd be.  As i run the blocks to get to Farran's I can't help but wonder if im too late.  I cant be...wont be!  When i arrive I climb a tree and look inside a window.  In there i see Sam and Rouke Farran the crime lord.  Sam.  Oh gods!  He is lying on a table a knife held over his already split arm.  "Let me go!" He screams.  Farran smiles.  "Oh but why would i?  Delighting in your suffering is oh so much fun!"  I can't handle anymore of this.  I throw a daggar into the house through the window and right into Farran's meaty neck.  He stumbles to the ground.  I crash through the window taking my chances on landing.  I see Sam but go for Farran.  He starts to get up but i slice a knife against his unguarded side.  "YOU BITCH!  I'LL TAKE MY TIME WITH YOU!"  Ha nice try.  He lunges for me and i stab a Rapier into his chest.  He falls to the ground clutching his chest.  I run to Sam and untie him.  "Hurry i dont have time to explain!  Farran's gaurd will be here any minute!"  Sam stumbles off the table and onto the ground.  I take his hand and we get to the window.  "On three!  One...two..THREE!"  He holds my hand as we jump down.  "Lets go!  The gaurds will be here soon!"  Sam says.  We haul ass out of that yard and rush down the streets, not stopping until we reach my apartment.  Good thing I didn't leave any weapons behind they could trace.  If i did my work right, and i did, then Farran should be dead.  Arobynn will be pissed when he sees what happened to one of his business partners.  I open the door and watch as Sam climbs up the stairs.  "What the hell happened Sam?"  He coughs.  "It was a trap set by Arobynn.  He wanted to have me killed and Rouke told me EVERYTHING Arobynn requested done to me.  I honestly would have preferred death at Arobynn's hand then endure what was going to happen."  What the hell?  "He...he doesn't like to share what he thinks is his."  I say.  Sam nods.  "He wants you at his hand and foot."  I shake my head.  "We'll worry about that later, for now lets go and clean your wounds and stitch them if necessary."  He agrees with me then we go into the bathroom.  His arm is a mess.  I wash it out and get the medical things i have under the sink.  I thread the needle and begin stitching.  "Ouch!"  I cringe.  "Sorry Sam."  He grits his teeth in pain.  "I-its ok dont worry."  We sit in silence while I finish stitching.  "We need to leave here TOMORROW." Sam says.  I sigh.  "Yes i know.  Tomorrow at dawn we will go down to the docks and get a boat to Wendlyn.  Arobynn will be after us, but he doesn't know of our plans to go to the southern continent." He nods his agreement. "What about Jayne?" I give him a devilish grin. "Oh dont worry i found someone to take care of that bastard." Sam, despite what happened to him tonight, laughs. "Alright i trust you had something planned for him." I nod. "On the way to do an incredible rescue for you, i stopped at a friend's home and asked for some help in killing him. They didn't object and i payed them well." Sam shakes his head and smiles. "Celeana, you will never cease to amaze me." I put my head on his shoulder. "Yea i know." He rests his head on mine. "I love you." "I love you too Sam Courtland, to hell and back again." Eventually we both fall asleep on the couch holding onto each other, never wanting to let go.

THE NEXT MORNING AT APROXIMATLY 5:30 AM...the newspaper stands are filled with this article:

Today it was found that Crime Lord Rouke Farran was murdered. No one knows why or just who did the murder. Some believe that it was a person seeking retribution for a killing Rouke did. Others say it was an Assassin set to settle a score on behalf of someone. No one really knows. Authorities have released little on his injuries, only that it apears that kinves were used. No one has confessed to the crime, although authorities doubt anyone will. His boss Ioan Jayne was also found dead this evening by knife wounds as well.

End of Chapter!!! 1/13/17
I hope you enjoy the edits i made!! In the comments let me know, should i continue this story and see where it goes??

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