Wendlyn (Sam's POV)

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I watch Celeana as she sleeps. Today we finally get to get off this gods damned boat. Two weeks of sea travel can make one rather irritable. I lightly flick Celeana's nose. She swats me hand away. "I need my beauty sleep." Celeana murmurs. I lightly nibble on her earlobe. "Well Princess i'd say it's time you get up." She gives off a breathy laugh. "You're an asshole for waking me up." Celeana says. I roll out of bed. "I love you too babe." She gives me a vulgar gesture before sitting up in bed. "The least you can do is go get me some tea or something."  I sigh and give her a mock bow. "As her highness wishes." She snarls at me. "Haha." I laugh before walking out of our room. The kitchen on this boat is pretty small but it's still something. I walk upstairs to the second level where the kitchen is. As soon as i walk in i go to an elderly chef named Ermis. "Good morning Sam." He says. I smile. "Good morning Erm." He smiles at me and holds out a tray with a tea pot and two cups. "As usual. The toast and oats will be done soon." I give him a nod of thanks. "I'm glad you're not one who gets upset at the demands my girlfriend makes." He laughs. "I know how pushy females-er women can be." I shrug. "It all depends on who. Some more than others." I say hinting at the golden haired beauty on the floor beneath us.  Ermis laughs.  "I suppose so."  A younger chef sets a tray of toast and oats on the platter.  "Thank you."  I tell him.  He smiles.  "You're welcome."  I take the tray and go back to my cabin.  Celeana smiles when she sees the food and tea in my hands.  "So you do have a use otherly than being and alarm clock?"  I laugh.  "Damn right i do."  She sets down her book and comes over to me.  "Thank you Sam."  She smiles.  "You're Welcome.  I talked to the captain last night.  We are docking today."  She gives me a grin and takes the platter from my hands and sets it on the small desk table.  "Finally.  I hated being on this boat!"  I sit beside her at the desk.   "So any plans for when we dock?"  She asks.  I nod.  "My friend is meeting us at the docks.  He will take us to the place i bought."  She looks at me confused.  "I thought you payed for an inn?"  I shake my head.  "I just said that so none of Arobynn's spies would hear where we were really going."  She nods.  "That was a smart move."  I smile.  "Yea i know."  Celeana rolls her eyes.  "Is that all you know how to say when i'm being nice?"  I laugh.  "Yes it is."  She gives me a vulgar gesture and I return it.  "I love you too."  She says.  As we finish up breakfast Celeana yawns.  "I'm going back to sleep until we dock."  I nod.  "Alright.  I'll keep watch of the room."  She kisses me before sliding back into bed.  "I love you."  I tell her.  "I love you too Sam."  Celeana drfits off into a peaceful sleep.  I stay and keep watch of the room and watch her breathe as she sleeps.  I never told her what happened when i was captured.  They fucked up my arm and were about to start taking out bones when she arrived.  They cut my legs and arms.  There was a huge gouge in my side.  Celeana patched it up with some stitches when we got back.  It was a pain in the ass running but I managed with a leg up from her.  I'm sure there is a bounty on our heads for killing Jayne and Farran. I'm guessing whoever it was she hired killed all the gaurds too. So many thoughts twirl around in my head before we reach Wendlyn. I can hear sailors lifting the sails and guiding the boat in. I walk over to Celeana and wake her up. "Wake up sleeping beauty, we made it to Wendlyn. "W-what?" She says. I smile. "We're in Wendlyn. Now get up so we can get to our new house." She groans but gets out of bed. "Can you grab the suitcases or are you still sore?" She asks. "I can get them." She gives me a questioning look. "Are you sure? Your side and arm aren't fully healed." I smile. "I promise i'm fine to grab them." She sighs. "Grab the smaller one." I give her a small snarl. "I told you i'm fine." She laughs. "I'm just trying to help you out." I roll my eyes. She grins before standing on her toes to kiss me. "Still mad?" She asks. I wrap my arm around her waist. "Try it again." She laughs before kissing me again, deeper this time. I kiss her back with just as much passion. She slides out of my grip. "Hm maybe later." She says. I grin. "I'll hold you to that." We both laugh and grab our suitcases. I make her grab the small one and i grab the bigger two. We walk onto the dock and i breath in all the smells. Spices, foods, perfume shops, handmade candles. It's incredible. But now isn't the time to take it in. "Ah hello Barry." Someone says. I set down the trunks and greet Mario. We have different names here in public just in case people are listening. "Hello Steven." I shake his hand. Celeana smiles at Mario. He grins. "This must be the lovely Lillian you've written to me about." I smile. "It is indeed her." He lightly shakes her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you." He says. Celeana nods. "The same to you sir." Mario comes back over to me. "The property is just outside of town. I've hired a carriage to take us there." I give him a nod of thanks. "I'm glad you were able to get a property on such short notice." Mario smiles. "I'm a man of many talents Barry." Mario takes one of the suitcases i was carrying and the one Celeana had and puts them in the carriage. I put mine in as well, and then we all sit in the carrige. I hear the driver usher the horses to begin moving. When we are far enough away i begin talking. "How much do we owe you for the property?" Mario smiles. "Nothing at all." I look at him clearly confused. He laughs. "We are friends Sam. You needed somewhere to stay and so i got a place. It's fully furnished too. I left three trunks of money in the spare room and it should last you guys a while until you can find work here." Celeana's jaw drops. I do the same thing. "Holy shit Mario. I never asked you to do that. Please I can't accept your money." He smiles. "You can and you will. Im loaded with money so what i gave you is practically pocket change." Celeana snorts. "We know how that is." I hold her hand. "Yes Arobynn was...very very wealthy. I didn't get paid as much as she did but still i had plenty of money." Mario nods. "I've heard he's an asshole." The two of us snort. "You heard right." We talk the rest of the way to our new house. Out of the corner of my eye i see Celeana watching a silver haired man and someone who looks like his wife and child selling flowers out of a kiosk. "Are you ok?" I ask her. She gives me a smile. "I'm just fine." I know she's not but now isn't the time to talk about it. That's a private conversation. We sit the rest of the ride in silence. As we arrive to the house Mario assures us it's a beautiful house. Well...beautiful doesn't describe the house i'm looking at. It's magical.  It's a cream color and has one part that looks like a castle tower.  The house is absolutely huge.  "Mario...this is amazing!" Celeana says, taking the words from my mouth.  Marios smiles.  "I thought you two might enjoy it."  Mario shows us around the house before he leaves.  There are seven bedrooms, a huge kitchen and dining room, a piano room (which I requested especially for Celeana), a sun room, and three bathing rooms.  Plus a personal library.  Celeana absolutely adored the whole house after the tour was done.  She stayed in the piano room and i walked Mario to the front door.  "I can't thank you enough Mario."  He nods his head.  "I know I'm awesome."  I roll my eyes.  "So modest my friend."  I tell him.  He grins like a fool.  "But of course."  He says goodbye then walks back to the carriage.  I go into the kitchen and find it fully stocked.  I grab out some bread and cheese, along with some red wine.  I grab a knife from a drawer but then stop.  Put the knife through your chest.  Do it.  Do it now!  I slowly lower the knife to my chest.  Good boy.  Now plung it in deep.  I pull the knife closer to my chest.  All of a sudden i hear someone shouting.  "SAM STOP!  WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"  The knife clatters to the floor and Celeana wraps her arms around my chest.  I look down and see her crying.  "Sam!  Sam you were about to kill your self again!"  I put my chin ontop her head.  "I-i don't know what happened.  I heard...i heard a voice.  It was old and young.  Sweet and harsh.  And...and female."  Celeana looks at me dead in the eyes.  "Female?"  I give her a slow nod.  She steps back horrified.  Celeana puts her hands on her head.  "No...nononono!!"  Suddenly she erupts into blue flames.  She begins to cry.  "Make it stop make it stop!"  She shouts.  I rush for a pail of water and dump it onto top of Celeana.  Her clothes have burnt off.  She just stays on the floor curled on the floor.  "Celeana?  Celeana can you hear me?"  She rocks back and fourth.  I go over to her and scoop her up in my arms.  I carry her upstairs and place her in one of the six bedrooms that I assume she would want to be our room.  "S-Sam?"  She says.  I sit beside her.  "Yes?"  She looks at me confused.  "What happened?"  I shrug.  "You erupted in blue flames after i told you what happened in my head."  She nods.  "I...i know exactly who that voice was.  There's no way it isn't."  I take a deep breath.  "Who or what is it."  She looks horrified.  "Queen Maeve of the Fae.  A nightmare made flesh, and my aunt."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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