The Boat (Sam's POV)

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I watch Celeana sleep. After she rescued me and we returned home last night, she cleaned me up and we talked about what we were going to do. Arobynn will know that was her that saved me. He will come here and most likely try to kill me himself. After all he doesn't like to share his possessions. I get out of the bed and go into the bathroom. Celeana doesn't stir. I look at my arm in the mirror. That's going to be one nasty scar...but i like it. It will forever remind me that the love of my life saved me. The cut goes from the top of my arm to my elbow. Im lucky Celeana got there when she did or else i might be missing some bones...or even an arm.
I couldn't even defend myself because of the Gloriella he used on me. I leave the bathroom and head into the kitchen to make breakfast. I need to think of a plan. Arobynn's urchins will be watching the docks. Watching everywhere really. We are going to have to go in disguise. "Well, well, well what do we have here? Sam Courtland making breakfast?" Celeana says as she walks into the kitchen. "Hey I didn't even hear you wake up." She smiles. "I know." I crack an egg into the pan. "Bacon or Sausage?" She thinks for a moment. "Neither i want potatoes." I roll my eyes. "Fine." She snickers. "Let me help you." I shake my head. "No its fine i want to do this for you." She rolls her eyes. "Men." Even though i insisted she doesn't need to help she does anyways. She starts to peel potatoes and cut them. After the eggs finish she puts the potatoes in the pan and begins to cook them. "Thank you...for rescuing me last night." She stops stirring the potatoes. "Did you expect me not to come for you Sam?"
I nod. "I told you to stay here, so i assumed you would. I also assumed that when Arobynn showed you my dead body you would know that i loved you." She comes over to where i am standing and wraps her arms around me. "Sam i will never leave you like that. You promised me a time you'd be back and you weren't. I went out and knew exactly where to go. I will never leave you Sam i love you!" I hold her tight. "I love you too Celeana." She lets go. "C'mon lets eat breakfast then get to the docks so we can leave this hell once and for all." I tell her.

After Breakfast and they are dressed:
"Is that everything Sam?" Celeana asks me. I look around the room once more. "Yes I believe so." She puts up her hood and i do the same. I hired a carriage to get us to the docks. I also made sure he wasn't a worker for Arobynn. I knew his adress, his full name, his wife and six kids. I knew it all and threatened him with it. Sure i feel shitty for doing it but when it comes to the girl i love it has to be safe. I help Celeana load our luggage into the carrige and then we are on our way. When we arrive the boat i hired is already waiting for us. Its average size with about ten other passengers all set for Wendlyn. Home of nightmares made flesh. Let's just hope we don't encounter any of those nightmares. A dock worker takes our things onto the boat. I extend my hand to Celeana. "Ready to start a new life my love?" She smiles. "Yes i am." We board the boat and watch as it sails away from the place we both once called home and hell. New life here we come.

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