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I am really sorry for not updating!!! This chapter is going to be from Alice's point of view. ENJOY!!!!💗💗😘

Alice's P.O.V

"Your pregnant." She whispers, looking straight into my eyes. I nodded, seeing a flicker if longing flash upon her face, that quickly disappeared. Was she unable to have children? I wondered, as James tensed beside me."This will be interested," she smirks. "If you both of you decide to join, your child will start training at the age of fifteen and be recruited at sixteen. While both of you will start training immediately."

"And if we refuse, to join?". James asks, gripping my hand tighter. I know he is scared. We may not live to raise our unborn child, just like his grandparents.

"If you refuse?" Lily laughed maliciously, "If you refuse I will kill you, your wife and your unborn child with out even blinking." Her eyes grow darker as she spoke each word.

Suddenly, we have no chose. I turn towards James and look into his eyes. I can tell, we are both thinking the same thing."We have to, James." I whisper, my eyes brimming with tears.

"I know." He whispers, kissing the top of my head. Tears brimming in my eyes, James turns to look directly at Lily."We will join." He said looking into her eyes for the first time. There was a stunned silents among our family.

"Good." Lily said maliciously. "You have 5 minutes to say your goodbyes. My husband and some of his.... friends," Lily smirked." Will be picking us up."

I turned to the rest of are family. Most of who (Hugo) are still looking baffled at why Lily is still alive. Everyone crowds around us. Everyone making so much noise of outrage that I can't hear what Lily could be doing. After a while, Ginny comes rushing forward hugging both James and I. When she has pulled me down so her lips reach my ear, she whispered, "I know my daughter is still in there. Promise me, you will find her?" She asks.

"Promise." I reply, Squeezing Into the hug. Although I doubt it, I will try.

"Your parents would be proud of you." Ginny smiled sadly.her parents, neville and Hannah died.)

"Thank you, for everything Ginny. You-" before I could finish, There was a flash of green light, and several gasps. James and I pushed forward through the crowd of Weasleys', to find Lily standing maliciously over the dead body of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is dead.

Sorry bout it being sooooooo long since I have posted or the chapter being so short. I just wanted to get the next chapter out as so many of you asked. xx

P.s next one will be in Lily's P.O.V sort of.

Taken [LILY LUNA POTTER X SCORPIUS MALFOY]Where stories live. Discover now