Reaper (Gabriel Reyes) Valentine's Day Special X Reader

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"Gabriel, do you know what today is?" You ask with a smile on your face.

He shifts slightly on the cafeteria bench next to you. "Uh, friday the thirteenth? Planning a horror movie marathon, (Y/N)?" He asks with a smirk on his face, "Should I round some up for you?" 

You chuckle at his response, "No, not exactly. Do you have an ops mission tomorrow?" 

"Hmm.." He takes a drink of his plastic bottle of water, setting it back down on the table as he answers, "Yeah, yeah, I do. Why do you ask?" 

Your expression visibly drops, but you try to act nonchalant about it, as you scoop some mashed potatoes off of your plate, "Ah, cool. Do you know how long it'll take, or..?" You watch him through the corner of your eye.

His expression doesn't change in the slightest, "Nope. You sure you don't want to have that marathon?"

"Ah, no, I'm fine," You explain, taking another spoonful of food into your mouth.

"Alright, then I'm gonna head out. Talk to ya later, (Y/N)"

"Right, I hope so," You mumble, as he's walking away. 

You sigh, swirling your spoon in your mashed potatoes, "There goes my plan.." You think to yourself. "I guess it's still possible. I'll just have to wait around for him to get back."

Present Day

It's that time of the year. Valentine's Day. The most lonely day for you since Overwatch fell. But this year you have Reaper. This will certainly be different than the last Valentine's Day you spent with him, but it's worth a try. You stand in your bathroom, looking in the mirror to psyche yourself up. You sigh, and look down at the sink, "Nothing can go wrong, right?" You look back up at yourself and give a small smile, "Off I go." You make your way out of the bathroom and grab the bouquet of assorted flowers sitting on your kitchen counter. You pull it out of the vase and shake some of the water off, and lastly, for good measure, you wrap a black bow around it. 

"Maybe it'll make him more susceptible to them?" You wonder to yourself, as you place them into your backpack. Other than that, it holds a medium-sized, heart-shaped box of chocolates. Cliche? Yes. It'll be just like before. You throw that back over your shoulder, and set off on your task. 

From earlier investigating, you have pinpointed his locations for the day. Well, most of them, anyways. You stay back from the spot, watching from across the street with a pair of binoculars. The second you see a familiar black smoke enter the door, you run towards the building, slamming the doors closed behind you. The other exit on the ground floor is the back door, and on the second floor is the fire escape. And you know his target is on the second floor, so you decide to cut him off at the fire escape. You lean against the wall in wait. Within minutes, there's footsteps, and you step in front of the exit. 

"Reaper," You start, "Do you come here often?" You say, jokingly, only to get no response. "I have something for you." Quickly, the backpack slides off your shoulder and onto the ground.

"I'm not interested," He says, in a hoarse voice, "Move, before I lose my patience." 

"No, this will only take a second," You say, unzipping the backpack, and reaching in.

"He went this way!!" Shouting sounds from inside the building, followed by multiple, bellowing footsteps. 

"Now, (Y/N)."

"No, just one sec-

You're cut off as gunshots sound from the other side of the door. You dont have time to react before Reaper sweeps you off your feet. You keep your death grip on the backpack, as he rushes you out of the way, and off the fire escape. He carries you off for awhile, until you're out of harm's way, and sets you down in an empty parking lot. 

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