Lucio X Reader

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You look down at the ticket in your hand." Yep, the date is definitely today," you think to yourself for the fifth time in a row. Truthfully, you were really unsure about how this would go, but you really like Lucio's music, so, why not? A sigh escapes your lips. I should probably get ready. 

An hour passes, and you stand in your room now, spraying perfume on, and brushing through your hair one last time. Looks decent enough. Grabbing the ticket off of your dresser, you observe it carefully, wondering what this will be like. Out of the corner of your eyes, you check the time, finally deciding it's time to leave. 

"I wish any of my friends had been free to come with," you think to yourself, as you leave your room. You decide to call a cab to get there so you don't have to pay for parking. The yellow car shows up on the curb a few minutes later. As you're sat in the back of it, you continue to be lost in your thoughts. Why did he invite me, anyways? Not that I dont want to go. I just wasn't expecting this.

"Twenty bucks, ma'am," The man in the driver's seat speaks, snapping out of your thoughts.

"R-right, of course." You reach into your handbag and hand him the money, "Sorry about that." 

"No problem. First concert?" He wonders, trying to empathize with you.

Shaking your head, you answer, "Not exactly. But it's the first time seeing my friend perform."

"Oh, your friend's with Lucio? You should get me an autograph." He joking says, knowing damn well he'll never see you again. 

You let out a chuckle, "Sure, why not? Thank you, again." You climb out of the car, closing the door behind you. The cab takes off a second later down the road.

The venue is a decent sized arena, unsurprisingly enough. Groups of people stand outside the front of it, talking, and waiting to get inside. "This could take a while," You mumble under you breath, heading towards the entrance. Squeezing your way through the crowds, you finally make it to the ticket taker, but there's quite a line. Fifteen minutes pass by, and you're finally offering the man your ticket. 

"Alright, front row for you ma'am." The man says after reading your ticket.

"Really?" You ask in surprise.

"Yes, and a VIP backstage pass, as well." He says, ripping the ticket and giving you a small piece back, " Go right in ma'am."

Taking the paper from him, and shoving it in your pocket, you mutter a "Thank you," and make your way into the building. 

Just like outside, it's almost completely full. You decide to skip on drinks before the show, but you do buy some Lucio merch, stashing it in your bag for safe-keeping. Next you make your way to the front row, finally done with the hassle, you can just enjoy the music. Within fifteen minutes a familiar voice echoes throughout the arena, "Are you ready to groove everyone?!?" This earns excited shouts back from the crowd. A few seconds later, your hyperactive friend slides onto the stage, taking hold of the microphone, his DJ stand in front of him. He spins the record, dramtically, as possible, "Let's drop the beat!" The song fades in, and you're watching in amazement, as he DJ's whilst keeping the crowd entertained and holding excitement in the air. 

You didn't expect this. Not at all. But you find yourself dancing to the beat, not enough to embarrass yourself, but enough to be noticed. You're completely in awe at his skills. You knew he was good, but this is ridiculous. He has the crowd dancing with him, clapping along, singing. He was born for this. A couple more songs pass, and you're still dancing to the beat, hoping this would never end. After an hour of this, you do get tired, and wonder how he's still going with this. About another hour later, as the song fades out, Lucio leans towards the microphone, exclaiming, "This is an amazing crowd! Amazing show!! And I see ya out there (Y/N)! Thanks for coming!! Hope you loved the show!! I'll be in the back for everyone with backstage passes. Have a great night!" 

You didn't expect the shout out, but thankfully, he hadn't pointed you out so nobody knew who he was talking about. You waste no time making your way out of the crowd and to the VIP ticket taker. You hand him your ticket, and he gives you a lanyard to put around your neck, and points you to Lucio's dressing room. A few seconds later, you stand outside the door, gulping once, before knocking. The door swings open, the Brazilian man standing in front of you now.

"(Y/N)! I've been waiting to talk to you all night!" He exclaims, "Whaddya think of the show?"

Still feeling awestruck, you speak, "A-amazing. You were really born for this, y'know. I loved every second of it." Smiling, you add, "But I am kinda tired now."

"Oh, right, come on in," He steps aside, letting you pass. He leads you to a small couch in the room, sitting down next to you. "Do you really mean all that, (Y/N)? You're not just tryin' to be nice?"

"O-of course I mean it!" You almost exclaim, "You're amazing."

A huge grin forms on his face, "You know that last song that I played?"

Nodding, you answer, "Yeah, it was really soft and sweet. Perfect for the end. What about it?"

He scratches the back of his neck, trying to appear calm, "I wrote that song with you in mind."

"O-oh? Really? Why is that?" You wonder with a bashful tone in your voice.

"Well, you're really nice, so that's why the melody was so soft. And," He starts, unsure of how you'll respond, "It's so sweet because that's how I think of you."

Smiling, you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, as your face goes slightly pink. "Is there something you're trying to tell me, Lucio?"

"In fact, there sure is," He stands up from the couch, confidence coming back to his voice. The musician grabs something off of the table behind the couch. He hides it behind his back, as he comes to stand in front of you. He brings his arms in front of him, revealing a heart-shaped box of chocolates with a rose taped onto it. "I think you're really cool, (Y/N), and I like you a lot. Be my Valentine?"

You smile, noticing a light blush on Lucio's face, "O-of course! How could I say no to that?" Unexpectedly, you hop up, wrapping your arms around him, lightly, in case he didn't want to hug back, but he does, obviously. "I'm glad you feel the same," You mumble, nervously.

He laughs, happily, "I was hoping you'd say that! Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Of course. I cant wait. It'll be a lot of fun!" You nod, with a huge smile on your face. 

Letting out a sigh of relief, he mumbles something in his native tongue, "Eu estou apaixonado."

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