Jesse McCree x Reader

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"Hm, somethin' don't feel right," The cowboy speaks to himself, as he approaches the door to his room. He notices a little scuff that surely wasn't there earlier. "Did someone break in?" 

He slides the door card into the slot beside it, causing it to slide open. He peeks inside first, and listens, but hears nothing. He shrugs, "Guess it ain't nothin" 

As the lights switch on, he finds himself eating those words. "Well, I'll be.."

(Y/N)'s POV

"So, do you have any plans for Valentine's Day, (Y/N)?" Mei asks, curiosity showing in her voice. 

The two of you stand in the hallway of the base, whilst you chat.

You shrug, letting out a small sigh, "Just like every other Valentine's Day, I sure don't. Not that it matters to me." 

"But you sounded kinda sad when you said that," Comes Mei's reply.

You force a smile onto your face, "No, really. I don't mind. Are you doing anything?"

Mei shakes her head, "Maybe we can go out together! I love seeing new places!" She exclaims in her usual cheerful tone.

Your smile grows from hearing this, "Yeah, that would be nice."

You continue your conversation as your hear the echo of boots clanking throughout the hallway. McCree soon stops by the both of you tipping his hat, saying, "Ladies," A grin on his face as he continues, "Wonderful afternoon, ain't it?"

"Oh, hi, McCree. Yes, it's really nice outside today. Me and (Y/N) were just talking about Valentine's Day, do you have any plans?"

His grin somehow becomes more sly than it was before, "I just might," He starts, "Seems like I've got myself a secret admirer. Someone left a whole mess of decorations and candy in my room"

"R-really?" You ask, trying not to seem suspicious, "D-do you have any idea who it is?" A nervous smile graces your features. 

Mei eyes you from the side with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Nope, not a clue." Jesse explains, "Maybe you girls would like to help me figure out who it is?" He says this as more of a statement than a question.

"No, we're pretty busy act-

Mei covers your mouth, and speaks for you, "She means we'll be busy tomorrow," She adds a nervous laugh to this. 

"Alrighty, I'll go scope out the cafeteria. You two have free run of the girl's quarters. Let's meet up here in, oh I dunno," He looks at his watch, preparing for his favorite line, "High noon."

Mei lets out a sigh of annoyance as he chuckles and walks off, but you just find yourself flustered. 

Without warning, Mei turns towards you, saying, "It was you, wasn't it (Y/N)?"

You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck, "Yeah, I get too nervous to say anything in person, and I forgot to leave my name on the card I left him, too."

Mei laughs, "That's adorable, (Y/N)! But what should we do? Don't you want to tell him it's actually you?"

Nodding, you reply, "Of course. I really like Jesse. The few times we've been alone together were some of the best of my life. And he's so nice to me. But.. I don't know if he feels the same towards me.." You look down, keeping from making eye contact with your short friend.

"What if I tell him for you?" She asks with sincerity. 

"Could you?" You wonder, looking back up at her.  

She nods, excitedly. "You're not too nervous?" 

"No, I am. But I'll be okay. I don't want him to find somebody else before he finds out, at least."

A few hours later you find yourself watching from the entryway of the cafeteria as your good friend makes her way over to Jesse McCree. She catches his attention and they talk for a few minutes, before a huge grin envelops his face. A second later, Mei gestures towards you, and you try to stay calm, as the handsome cowboy makes eye contact with you. Your face unintentionally goes red, but you try to brush that off, since he is now standing right in front of you. 

"So, it was you this whole time, huh, (Y/N)?" He asks, a smug grin on his face.

"Y-yeah." You smile nervously, swallowing down your fears, "I forgot to leave my name on the card."

"Well, Ms. (Y/N), I don't s'pose you'd like to go out with me tomorrow night?" Jesse starts, "A Valentine's day date. Whaddya say?"

You nod, excessively, unable to hold back your happiness, "Absolutely! I'd love to."

"Well, I'll see ya tomorrow night at seven. I've gotta prepare for my date with the prettiest woman I've ever met." With that sly compliment, he tips his hat, and turns around to walk away, but he stops himself, adding, "Oh, and yes, I'll be your valentine. If you'll be mine." 

"O-of course I will!" You almost exclaim.

With that, he saunters off back into the cafeteria. Mei makes her way back to you, asking right away, "What did he say?!"

You smile at this, "We have a date tomorrow night. Thanks, Mei."

"I bet you can't wait!" She starts. Grabbing onto your hands, she pulls you out of the cafeteria, "Let's pick out some outfits!"

You look back into the cafeteria one last time as you shuffle out, making eye contact with Jesse once more, and smiling, widely. 

The next night, you find yourself standing outside of your room in one of your favorite outfits, waiting for your date to show up.

"Kept you waitin' long, darlin'?" A familiar southern drawl comes from down the hallway, accompanied by boot-steps.

You shake your head, excessively, "Not at all, I've just been out here for a few minutes."

Jesse holds his arm out, waiting for you to take hold of it. Smiling, you get the picture, and hold onto him. The two of you make your way down the hallway. Out of curiosity, you ask, "So, just where are we going?"

He looks down at you, sending a quick wink your way, "Wherever the moonlight takes us, darlin'"

"I can't wait to find out."

Might make a second part to this. Lemme know if I should in the comments!

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