Tracer x Male Reader

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How do you catch up to the fastest person you know? Well, cut them off of course, which was what you were trying to do right now, with no success. You want to surprise her, but, unfortunately, that hasn't went well. At the moment, you had Valentine's day decor set up at the ship, but it turns out her mission was switched at the last moment. So, here you are cleaning up balloons and some banners with McCree. Thankfully, he showed up before Soldier 76 did. 

"T'was a good plan," McCree speaks out, disrupting your train of thoughts.

You sigh, shoving another bunch of colored balloons into a trash bag, "Yeah, I thought so, too. Not sure what I should try now, though."

"You could set this up at her room," McCree starts, "I know somebody who did that long ago. He tips his hat forward, winking and smiling, "And it worked out for them." 

"That was my first idea," You explain, "But 76 already turned that down. Who did he say yes to last time?"

The cowboy sighs, "Somebody from long ago. Guess he's a different man now. More strict. Any other idea's?"

"So far, I have nothing," You put the last of the balloons into the bag, "You've known Lena for awhile, right?"

He nods to this.

"What do you think she'd like?" You wonder, watching him carefully.

"Hmm.." He puts his fingers on his chin for a few seconds, lost in thought, "I, myself, would do somethin' simple, yet romantic. It is Valentine's day, afterall. It only comes once a year."

He makes his wat to the exit of the ship, you follow, lost in thought. The exit closes behind you both as an idea comes to your mind. "Why don't we utilize her speed?" You start, "I'll need somr of those roses, McCree." 

"Can do, pal. What should I do with the rest of 'em?" He wonders, shaking the vase of flowers in his left hand. 

You shrug, "Just leave them in my room, I'll figure something out later." 

With that, you set your plan into action. You leave the rest of your failed plan decorations in your room. And take out a slip of paper, letting your pen do the work. You tape it on the outside of her door. Next stop, the nearest cafe. In the backseat of your car sits a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a single rose. "I hope the cafe will cooperate," You think to yourself. Once you arrive, and enter the cafe, you make your way up to the front desk. 

"How can I help you today, sir?" The young cashier asks.

You smile, trying to be as polite as possible, "Would it be okay if I set a candle up at a table. I'm, um, trying to surprise someone." 

She smiles at this, "Go right ahead. That sounds like a great idea." 

"Thank you," You say, turning around from her and searching for a nice table. She stops you as you're about to walk away though, "I'm afraid you'll have to order something if you're planning on staying for more than two hours. Company policy."

"That's fine, I won't be here too long, anyways." You explain. 

Within a few mintues, you have a lit candle set in the middle of the table. The chocolates and rose are set in front of you on the table. Now we wait. She should be here any minute now. 

However, a few minutes pass and the bell above the door doesn't ring once. Alright, maybe her mission isn't over yet. Another half an hour passes and she still hasn't showed. Unfortunately, this cycle continues, until you realize you've been sitting for two hours, waiting. You glance at the barista, who just happens to look back at you and point to her watch. You groan, knowing everything here is pretty expensive. Standing in front of her now, you order a small late and return to your seat. You drink it down in no time, and end up watching your phone, trying to distract yourself from the boredom. Another hour and nothing. You sigh, having wasted most of your afternoon here. The next hour comes, and you find yourself drinking down another latte. I'll wait here as long as I need to. She's worth waiting for. 

Hour after hour passes. The sun begins to go down, as does your mood. A few latte's later, the sky has become dark and starry, your candle has blown out, and mostly melted. Your all-time favorite cashier stands in front of your table, "I'm sorry, sir, but, you'll have to leave, now, we're closing up."

"Alright. Sorry for the trouble I've caused," You say with a frown on your face. You gather your things and make your way to your car. You don't back out, right away, though. You sit, with your hands covering your face, trying not to be upset. "It was a dumb idea, anways. Why would she have come?"

Complete silence fills your night, until your passenger door opens. Your head snaps toward the sound, afraid it might be a thief. 

"What're you doing out here, love?" The girl you've been waiting for all night wonders, sitting in your passenger seat with a concerned look on her face, her battle gear still on. She puts her hand on your shoulder, "A little late, am I?"

You remove your hands from your face and try to perk up, "Yeah, they closed a few minutes ago. I was about to head home." 

"Oh, can we still talk?" She wonders, which you nod to, " What's this note about, (Y/N)?"

You grow nervous at the thought of it and scratch the back of your neck, "Well, I wanted to give you something, Lena." 

"Really? What for?" She asks, completely oblivious to the situation. 

You think about how to answer for a moment, an idea coming to mind, "Could you close your eyes for a second?"

She nods to this, adding a "Sure thing!" after it. 

You grab the chocolates and wilted rose out of the backseat, and place the box into her hands, "You can open them now." 

Her eyes flutter open, and look down to see the box of chocolates. She looks back up at you, expectedly.

You gulp, then hold the rose out to her, "Will you be my Valentine?" 

She smiles, and unable keep her happiness contained, she glomps onto you, "Of course!" Lena exclaims, "I would love to. Why didn't you ask me sooner?" 

You try to keep your cool as you lightly hug her back, "Well, I kind of tried to. This morning. I had some stuff set up on the ship, but..-" You trail off. 

She lets go of you and sits back in the passenger seat, finishing your thought, she says, "But my mission changed. Oh, I'm sorry, love. I had no idea."

"No, it's fine. This isn't as nice as I would hoping it would be," You sigh.

"Did you have anything set up in the cafe?" Lena wonders.

Nodding, you explain to her, "Yeah, there was a candle at this really nice table by the window. And I had the rose, but it's kind of gross looking now." 

"Sounds lovely," She starts, "I wish I could've seen it."

"Well," You start, "Why don't we try this again, tomorrow? Are you busy, Lena?"

"Nope not at all. That's a brilliant idea, (Y/N)!" The hero exclaims, "It'll be a late Valentine's day date. And our first one too."

You can't help but smile at that, "I really like you, Lena, and I have for awhile. You're a girl worth waiting for." 

"That's so sweet, (Y/N). I like you loads, too. You're so fun to be around."

Grinning, you wrap your arm around her shoulders, "I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Me neither, love. Me neither."

And so begins a blossoming relationship. 

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