After school that day was worse than it had been before dating Valerie. I finished all my homework before my aunt was ready to go. That left me time to reconsider apologizing to her, even though I was determined not to.
On top of that, today was one of those days where the internet was relatively buzz-free. No insensitive gaffe by a politician or celebrity for wannabe activists and bloggers to harp on. All the Twitter comedians tweeted jokes I’d heard elsewhere. There were no updates on my favorite Tumblrs.
That left sitcom reruns.
I groaned so loud that my aunt asked what was wrong with me.
“Then shut-up.”
I went to my room to check my phone for a message from Valerie that I was sure wouldn’t be there. Instead, I had a message from Malik.
“Dude, I didn’t know you and Valerie got caught making out in the hallway.”
I answered back: “Yeah, how’d you find out?”
I brought my phone with me to the main room. I could focus on it while pretending to watch TV.
“Same thing happened to Lynn and me during fifth period. The AP said he didn’t want to see me following in my cousin’s footsteps.”
I laughed at that. Malik could stand to follow in my footsteps a bit more.
Not if he’s the one who’s able to pull off a successful relationship with a Succubus.
I perished the thought. Malik and Lynn’s relationship was based on a lie. I knew exactly what Valerie was and it hadn’t helped things.
The next vibration was a text from her.
Speak of the Succubus…
“I want to talk to you after school tomorrow.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“See you then.”
I wondered if it was her intention to seem as neutral as possible. If so, it worked. I tried to be positive. Things would be all right. We’d probably go to her car, make up, and then make out.
After getting back with Valerie, we were going to have a long talk about her making me wait until after school when there was something important to discuss. Obsessing over our conversation overshadowed everything else at school that day. And for what? I grew more confident our conversation would end in her admitting she was wrong and then we'd cuddle.
Of course, I'd apologize too. I wasn't proud of calling Valerie names, but that was only after she refused to stop. She should have respected my wishes. I would have done the same for her.
Valerie later amended our meeting time until 20 minutes after school. We would meet in the student parking lot and by then most of the other students would have left.
I waited with Jack and Phil until their respective buses pulled out. That killed ten minutes.
I kicked my feet along the tiled hallway floor as I casually made my way to the student lot.
I did miss Valerie. How could I not? How could I have said those things to someone who makes me feel so high? Jack and Phil were my best friends, but I’d rather spend my time with Valerie. Even the mundane things we did were riveting. All that mattered was that we were together.
Lamia's Dream
VampireMiles Ward finally has a chance with his long time crush Valerie Wingfield after saving her life from a masked man. Sure, there are things about Valerie he can’t explain. Her fangs and claws- he must have imagined them. She’s showing up in his dr...