Chapter 1

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I hate how everyone knew how I felt about Valerie, except her.  This time last year I was solidly in the friend zone, but now I was on the verge of being a mere acquaintance.  Given her recent string of terrible guy choices, it was time I stepped in and saved her.  At least that's what Jack and Phil said.  Possibly because they were tired of hearing me talk about her.

Once my cousin turned into the neighborhood, anxiety churned in my stomach.  Despite the pep talks, I was worried I wouldn’t find the courage to talk to Valerie when the time came.

"Are you really gonna tell her how you feel tonight?"

"I was just thinking the same thing."

My cousin Malik was the only reason I knew about this party.  6'3, broad shoulders, and our all-state basketball player.  My problem with Valerie was foreign to him.  Although he was in another social strata than myself, I knew he had my back.

We parked, one of a half-dozen cars.

"I think I'll go for Lynn tonight," he said, turning the car off.  He added with a teasing grin, "You've inspired me."

Lynn, the maneater, was part of Valerie's foursome.  Lynn had the kind of beauty that broke into your train of thoughts and seized your attention, whereas Valerie's was more gentle.

The chilly air that greeted us served as a reminder that I should have brought my hoodie.  We walked toward one of several two-story homes, each with a garage.  The backdrop of the woods in the distance didn’t make the situation any less intimidating.

Malik had brought me along to a few parties two years ago, when we were freshmen.  But once he grew in popularity, he stopped inviting me.  It was fine.  I didn't really fit in and I'd rather be at home playing video games or perusing the web anyway.

The lack of music at house-jumping volume told me that this party would be tame.  The guy on the front porch playing guitar with a pair of girls confirmed it.  One was a petite Mexican girl named Alexandra.  She was another member of Valerie's group.  Of the four, she was the one I knew the least about.  She was the quiet one.

Malik greeted the ladies and clapped hands with the guitarist before we stepped inside.

A recent pop song greeted us upon entry.  Lights were on upstairs but the laughter from further down the first level hall led us there.  Knowing Malik, our first stop would be the kitchen to get a drink.

On the table were several bags of chips, a container of Chips-a-Hoy! cookies, and two-liter bottles of Coke products.

"My man," Malik said to some guy who happened to be walking by. "Where's the good stuff at?"

I glanced over into the dining room where eight or so kids from my high school sat, carrying on dispersed conversations. I recognized a guy dressed in-

Oh! There's Lynn!

The way her small, black dress hugged her athletic figure made it difficult not to notice her.  She sat on the couch surrounded by three guys.  Her finger twirled a bit of her blonde hair.  She laughed politely at someone's joke and then scanned the room as if looking for an escape.  Her green gaze brushed over me, but lingered on my cousin for a full second, before moving on.

To my dismay, Valerie wasn’t in the living room.

"Hey, your target is in there.  I'm gonna check upstairs for mine," I said to Malik after pouring myself some Sprite.

That sounded cool, right?

"Yeah, man," he replied. Then, Malik broke away from his other conversation as if he had suddenly remembered it was me.  "Hey, this is your night, man.  You got this."

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