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Jamey left to let me take a nap, i was tired, confused and some weird feelings were swimming around in my head. i closed my eyes and every thing melted into a beutiful dream that i can't now remember. 

i woke to Jameys soft voice "Clarrise, we must get up. it's dinner time." he puled the cover from my bed, i was hit with a wave of cold air and i sat up. i waved Jamey away  so i could get dressed.  the only thing in the wardrobe that was shoved in the corner, was knee length white dresses  that looked like a shape-less table cloth draped over my thick frame. perfect. i don't want to look too nice.

i opened the door, Jamey was leaning against the frame "ready to go?" he smiled. it felt almost like a date. gross.  

i walked with him through the halls, they were quite beutiful. the room shifted. like literally shifted. "whoa!" i screamed, Jamey caught me as i fell. "oh, yea i forgot to metion that. ever seen the movie howls moving castle?" i was confused, why is he asking me about a japinese film? "yea?" i nodded "its basically like that. we have a mobile fortress." i laughed "surprisingly, that is not the weirdest thing that i have herd today." he smiled "come on this way to the dining hall."

i sat down at the long table coverd in food. i sat quitely as the men screamed, ate and threw food across the table.  after the hour of watching a horrible tesosterone expierment in action i was ready to go. i got up, wiped my hands and said "please excuse me from the table." and walked out the door. Jamey followed. "hey Clarrise, you want the rest of the tour?" "sure" i smiled. he showed me the corridors, the armory, the common room, then he reached the last door along the corridor. he open the door, revealing a large ballroom, tastefully decorated with beutiful music floating through. Jamey took my hand "care for a dance he smiled. i started to chuckle, but his eyes were serious. "ok." i whispered.

he placed a hand on my hip and interlocked one in my fingers. i placed my free hand on his shoulder. i moved in close, i could feel his breath on my neck. his tan skin clashed perfectly with my pale complextion.  i loved to dance but Merlin hated it. oh god i thought Merlin...Eva....are they...ok?   i was loving this new person i'd met, but i had a family, they needed me. but then again, i'd never been so happy as i am dancing with him. 

these thoughts were sticking to the walls of my brain, i can't do this.... i thought as i ran through the doors. i was crying now. i fell to the ground and looked around. i had run through a differnt door then the onen i'd come through. i had no idea were i was, and i looked like gold when it clashed with my pale com ever care. i pulled my legs in close and sobbed. i thought about what Jamey had said. i though about how happy i have been. 

i heard foot steps. Jamey steped out of the shadows. he said nothing, he just sat in front of me and pulled me in close. his hair smelled like coconut. he hugged me tight, i looked at his eyes. they sparkled like dark gems. "i'm sorry." i choked "what for?" he asked, his voice so sweet that i couldn't stop myself. i grabbed his cheeks and kissed him hard. he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. "i love you." i whisperd "i love you to. i'll understand if you want to go back to your boyfriend." "huh?" he tapped his temple. i had forgot about his ability. "i don't know that i do, and any way i don't want to talk about that right now. just kiss me." i laughed. he obeyed. 

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