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~Hey guys! So it's not very often that I write fan fictions and such but I've noticed that there really isn't that much Tythan stuff out there so I've decided to do this. I don't think I'll be able to manage to do a proper fan fiction so I'll just be doing one shots as I also have to manage YouTube, work and school. I hope you guys enjoy!
NOTE: This takes place in January 2016 so they weren't living in LA at this point! K.R~

It had been months since Ethan had last seen his boyfriend. With how far they lived apart they rarely got to see each other unless there was a convention on. Sadly, this time around, Tyler has said that he wasn't going to be attending PAX South which Ethan was quite upset about.

Ethan was sitting in his hotel room with Brian and G when he got a notification on twitter.

@apocalypto_12: HEY LOOK!!! #surprise 😋

Ethan gasped, quickly typing out a reply.

@crankgameplays: @Apocalypto_12 COME EMBRACE ME WHERE ARE YOU

"Sorry guys, I'll be back, Tyler's here!" The blue haired boy exclaimed, running out of their hotel room and calling Tyler. "Hey E-" Tyler was cut off by the now over excited boy yelling. "Where are you?!" Ethan asked quickly. Tyler chuckled a little. "I'm by the PAX South sign." The brunette told him calmly. "Thanks! Love you, see you soon!" Ethan responded, hanging up quickly and running to the sign.


I waited for Ethan, having a conversation with one of my friends that I'd come along with. I wasn't meant to be coming but it was almost mine and Ethan's one year anniversary so I had to see him.

I had known I was gay for a long time but Ethan on the other hand, had not. It wasn't until after he met me that he started questioning his sexuality and he definitely still wasn't comfortable with telling people about it. No one really knew about my sexuality although I was in no way ashamed of it, I just guess no one ever bothers to ask. You don't really expect the tall, buff, sport loving guy to be anything other than straight, do you?

I'd told Mark when we were younger that I thought I might like boys but he just brushed it off and it was forgotten within a year. I haven't told anyone since that point.

I was taken away from my thoughts as I felt two, oh so familiar, arms wrap around me. I stumbled back a little and wrapped my arms around the shorter boys waist. "Surprise..." I mumbled into his ear. He just held onto me tighter. "I'm so glad you're here..." he sighed contently.


I held onto Tyler for at least two minutes before I was able to bring myself to pull away. I just wanted to kiss him but I couldn't. There were too many people and at least one of them would've recognised us and then everyone would've known that I'm dating Tyler. It's not that I'm ashamed of him. I'm ashamed of me, I guess. I'm scared of what people will think of me and what people would think of him for dating someone like me. It just adds to it that we're both guys and that's why no one can ever know. At least not for a long time...

I walked with Tyler back to my hotel room where Brian and G were waiting. "I'm back!!" I called out. "Oh and you brought you're boyfriend too." G chuckled, waving at Tyler. I blushed a little. "You know, if I didn't know any better I would think you two were dating." Brian teased. I rolled my eyes. "Mhm, because I'm obviously gay. Yep. 100%" I tried to act cool about the situation but really I was freaking out.

Luckily, the conversation changed topics quickly when G set up Mario Kart for the 4 of us to play. We played for about an hour before G and Brian decided to go check out the convention, leaving just Tyler and I alone. As soon as the hotel room door shut I kissed Tyler deeply, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me against him. He pulled away a little. "Happy almost anniversary baby boy" he whispered. His voice sent shivers down my spine. "Happy almost anniversary." I mumbled back.

He moved us over to my bed and I sat on his lap. We kissed and cuddled and just let time pass around us. All of a sudden we were interrupted when the door opened. "Hey sorry o forgot my- oh my god" Brian froze in the doorway. "Ho boy, this is gonna be fun to explain...." I muttered, staring down at the floor.

~Okay I'm gonna leave this here. This is just something little I decided to write while procrastinating getting ready for work. Hope you enjoyed it! If you have any requests or suggestions comment them and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Bye!! K.R ~

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