Prom Night

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~Requested by: @LizaSept
As an Australian I know basically nothing about American proms so please forgive any inaccuracies in this!! K.R ~

Unlike most of the other students at his school, Ethan was in no way excited to be going to Junior Prom... Actually he dreaded it. Ever since he started high school he had been bullied so he didn't exactly have many close friends.

"You look great, kiddo!" Ethan's father told him, patting him on the back. Ethan sighed. "Thanks dad..." he mumbled, adjusting his blue tie. "Up against the wall, we need to get photos!" His dad smiled, ushering him over to the wall. They got a few photos before getting in his fathers car. His dad had tried to convince him that they had to hire a car but Ethan politely turned down the offer.

They pulled up to the event and Ethan waved goodbye to his dad before heading inside. The food was decent but the dance was horrible. Ethan awkwardly moved around the edges of the room, glancing down at his phone occasionally to check the time. "2 more hours..." The blue haired boy reminded himself, putting his phone back in his pocket.


I didn't have a date to prom but I wasn't complaining. I decided to spend prom with the other guys in the football team. We were all just dancing and being idiots in general. "Guys, look over there." One of them chuckled, gesturing to a boy with blue hair who was standing on his own in the corner of the room. "Fag didn't even have friends to go with." He laughed. I frowned as he said that.

"I'm gonna see if he needs anything. Catch you guys later." A couple of the guys froze and looked at me as if I was crazy but I just shrugged it off and walked over to the boy. I tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, I like your hair, it matches your tie." I laughed a little. His eyes widened as he looked up at me. "U-Um thanks... If you've been dared to come over here you can just go now." I was taken aback by this. "God, no! I just thought you might want a friend. I'm Tyler, you are?"


There was no way Tyler actually wanted to talk to me. All of his asshole friends bullied me basically every fucking day. Come to think of it, he's the only one on the football team who hasn't said anything mean to me... I'd be lying if I said I hadn't gone to a couple games just to see him there. He's definitely cute but there's no way I'm his type. There's no way he's even into guys, he's as straight as they come.

"God, no! I just thought you might want a friend. I'm Tyler, you are?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uhh Ethan.." I replied slowly. He laughed. "Well 'uhh Ethan' do you want to dance?" He offered me, smiling and holding a hand out. His smile was so genuine and just... kind.

"Wait, really? You're not just fucking with me?" I had to ask, not believing there was any way he'd let his rep get ruined by me. "I'm serious, c'mon." He took my hand a pulled me into the middle of the room. He pulled me close to him, putting one hand on my waist and the other in my hand. I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder and couldn't help the blush that crept onto my face.

"You alright there, blue boy?" He questioned, smirking down at me. I rolled my eyes and he pulled me against him more which just caused me to blush even more.

Maybe prom wasn't going to be bad after all...

~SORRY ITS NOT THAT GOOD! I've never written something like this and I busted this out in like half an hour sooooo... K.R ~

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