Xoxo (Fluff Fest)

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Ethan and Tyler had had feelings for each other for years, though neither of them would ever admit that for obvious reasons. It wasn't until Ethan met Tyler that he questioned his sexuality where as Tyler on the other hand had known his own sexuality for a very long time. Ethan had decided that he needed to tell Tyler but none of the others could know, not even Mark. It wasn't that Mark was homophobic or anything like that but he just knew it would put him into an awkward position. Especially if Tyler and Ethan did end up dating, Mark wasn't going to want to think about the two of them in any sort of sexual situations.

Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Amy and Kathryn had just finished a game of monopoly and were all going off to their respective bedrooms. Tyler was the last to get up and start walking to his room aside from Ethan. Once Ethan saw the brunette start walking off he jumped and jogged after him. "Hey Tyler! Umm.. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?" Ethan asked nervously. "Of course, what's going on?" Tyler asked.


My anxiety started to kick in, all potential outcomes flooded my brain and I forced myself to continue. "Can we talk about it in my room?" I asked him softly. He nodded and we began to walk to my room, shutting the door quietly behind us. We sat down on the edge of my bed and I began to fumble with my hands nervously. "Okay where do I begin... First of all, I want this to stay between us and I don't want this to change things between us." I explained to him to which he nodded again. "Ho boy... My whole life I thought I was straight and I didn't think anything would change that but then I met you. That's when I started to question if I was actually straight and now I realise that I'm not straight and have feelings for you... Like as in I want to date you..." I glanced up at him nervously.

Tyler began to laugh quietly and I got even more nervous. "Ethan... You're so oblivious. I've been trying to hint at the fact that I like you pretty much since we met! I am glad you told me though because that means I can do this." He smirked a little before leaning down and kissing me. I kissed back almost instantly. His lips were rough but his kisses were soft and loving. We moved to lie down on my bed, only breaking the kiss briefly. We kissed and cuddled for what felt like hours before he finally went back to his own room so that Mark didn't get suspicious.

I heard my phone vibrate from my bedside table and picked it up.

Tylerrrr: See you in the morning, baby boy x

~I hope you all enjoyed this! I think I might also write something where Mark finds out about them dating... Should I do that as a part 2 of this or as it's own one shot? Also, I'm taking requests so any requests you have please message me! K. R ~

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