Dorm (Jenlisa)

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I just got home from dance practice, I got home around 11 pm so I didn't expect someone is still awake. When I got inside our dorm no one is in the living room so I expected that my members are already sleeping because we still have schedule tomorrow.

I am walking towards my room, then I opened the door and I saw Jennie unnie lying in my bed while holding her phone. I was shocked that she is in myroom, she is facing my cabinet so I think she didn't notice that I already arrived.

I removed my shoes walk towards my bed, then I lied beside her hugging her from the back. I rest my chin in her shoulders "Jennie unnie" I called her "hmmm..." she answered "Why are you here in my room?" I asked "Nothing, just waiting for you because you're been busy for so many days and I missed cuddling with mylily" then she faced me pouting her lips "awww Nini missed her lily, I missed you too baby" I said, she then rested her face on my neck

"Niniii, I need to shower I just came from my dance practice and I smell bad" I told her, "I'll take shower first then comeback to give my Nini some cuddles, is that okay?" I asked sweetly "Ok, but give nini a kiss first" Jennie said "Awww my baby nini is so clingy" I said then kissed her forehead then go straight to the bathroom.

I came out from my bathroom wearing oversized shirt and shorts same as nini, of course we are not wearing a bra hehe, got used to it tho. Nini is playing with her phone I think she felt my presence so she put her phone on the side table, she then open her arms asking me to give her a hug, i walk towards her to give her a hug, she lied on the bed while I'm hugging her so I'm at the top of her. I stare at her admiring her beauty "My nini is so beautiful and cute" I said while pinching her cheeks "Aaawwww lily that hurts *pouting* why did you pinch my cheeks?" "Nothing you're just to cute hihi" after saying that, I stand up then lie beside her.

"Nini I think we should sleep already, we still have schedule for tomorrow. " I said facing her "Ok but I need a hug cause I can't sleep well without smelling you" I hugged her and put her face under on my neck. "Goodnight baby nini" "Goodnight lali".

*knock knock* "Lisayaaah wake up" I open my eyes when I heard Jisoo unnie waking me up, I walk and open the door "Jisoo unnie quiet, Nini is still sleeping" I said the close the door, I saw jennie unnie still sleeping so I decided to wake her up. "Nini wake up *then kiss her face*" I think she felt that I kissed her face so she opened her eyes and said "Yuckk lalii you're not yet brushing your teeth" Ilaughed at her then held her hand to help her stand. We are now in the bathroom brushing our teeth, we always do this specially if we slept together.

After brushing our teeth we decided to go to the living room, we saw chaeng and jisoo unnie watching tv while Jisoo is sitting between chaeng's legs. "Are you done eating unnie?" I asked "Yess we are done, you and Jennie eat your breakfast now pali pali, we are going to be late in our sched" Jisoo said.


After eating breakfast we went to our room and took a bath fast cause we are running late in our schedule. After we got ready, we went to our van, I am walking slower than them because of my ankle injury, I am now inside the van then I saw Lily at the back busy with her phone, so I sat beside her then lean my head in her shoulders and hugged her from the side while closing my eyes, I saw her put her phone inside her bag. "Aww my nini is still sleepy *she kissed my head while patting it.

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