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Only 30 seconds left on the clock, the game is tied 54 to 54 and I only need one more shot to prove that I deserve that scholarship to college. The preasure is on. I can feel every eye in the crowd looking at me. Waiting for me to make the shot. Waiting for me to make the move but all I can think about is Aaron.

Her eyes, her smile, her hair, her lips. The way she gets lost in the song or a story. Everything about her is racing through my mind. Why is she doing this to me? I don't care if she is mad at me. I don't care if she is mad because of our fight. It doesn't matter. She should be here. Supporting me and making sure I don't screw up. But she isn't. 

Come on Tyler. Do it. Throw the ball! Throw it into the net! Make the shot before its too late. I can't do it. I can not do this without her. Time is almost up! I have to do something. I can't just stand here like an idiot. 

"Come on Tyler make the shot!" I turn my head to see Aaron in the bleachers, cheering me on. Her sweet smile giving me hope. This is it. Only 10 seconds left. 

*Website to the photo I used. Not sure if I could use it or not so I used it anyways and I'm giving it credit. I'll have an original photo by next week.   * 

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