Chapter 4

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"Hello?" She answered awkwardly. 

"Hey, what’s up?" I asked.

"Uhm, nothing at the moment."

"Oh. Nice." 

"Alright, so why did you call me?" 

"I don't know I was just bored. Sorry." To be honest I don't know why I called her. It was a spontaneous act I suppose.

"Yeah... So you're done basketball?" 

"You got it. There is absolutely nothing to do now." I had a bad case of word vomit all of a sudden.

"Oh that's cool-"

"Do you want to go out to dinner with me next Friday?" I cut her off. It was silent for awhile I began to regret my decision. Why did I ask that? 

"Uhhh.... yeah, I guess." Did she just say yes? Was I imagining this?

"Oh, alright. I'll pick you up tomorrow then, at 6:30."

"Yeah... sure. See you then." The phone clicked and I sat on my bed in complete shock. Well I guess I have a date to plan for tomorrow. This will be easy. Hates fancy food, loves meat, a place with steak. There has to be dessert. She isn’t going to want to dress fancy, that’s for sure. I decided to bring her to Texas Road House. That’s her favorite place to eat and she doesn’t get to go there very often.

I’m finding it very hard to not thing about her. Why? Well, to be honest. I’m not sure. I don’t even know why I asked her to dinner! All I know is she said yes and I want it to be perfect. What is going on with me? My feelings for her Aaron have been gone sense 9th grade. Why are they coming back now? Or are they? No, they aren’t. This is just a simple date, that’s all.

I searched all over the internet. Trying to find something that would catch my eye, and sure enough, something did.

“Bromley Vermont’s Summer Adventure…” I mumbled to myself. Don’t I know the person who owns that place? My thoughts raddled as I tried to make the connection.

“Coach!” I yelled.

“Honey! What’s going on up there? Are you okay?” My mom yelled from below.

“Yes, mom, I’m fine. Sorry.” I picked up my phone and dialed coaches number.

“Hey coach, its Tyler, doesn’t James, your brother, own Bromley Vermont’s Adventure Park?” I asked with much hope.

“Yes, yes he does!” He replyed, amused. “Why?”

“Well, I need you to do me a favor. It’s a big one.”

“Okay, son, ask it. I don’t have all day!” He told me, sounded quite interested in what I was going to say.

“I have a date next Friday… I was hoping you could pull some strings, get him to open it up around maybe 3 and keep it open for us until 9:00pm?” The words slipped my mouth faster than I thought and for awhile I stood waiting for a reply. Was he ever going to answer?

“Yeah! I suppose I could! James like you, he’ll do it. I’m sure of it.” He paused and a moment later he spoke. “So I’m guessing you’ll be getting out of school early? Bromley is 3 hours away and if you want to be there by 3 you’ll have to leave at noon.” My throat cleared.


“Okay, I’ll talk to James and get back to you, alright?” I nodded and then realized he couldn’t see me.

“Yes! Thanks coach that means a lot.” I hung up the phone and wanted to call her back. I dialed the number but stopped. Its 9:30, she might not be awake. Should I text her? Yes.

To: Aaron.

-Hey, you awake?-

To: Tyler

-I am now-

To: Aaron.

-Oh I’m sorry. I just wanted to see if you could get out of school early, 11:45, noon?-

She didn’t text back for a good 45 minutes. Finally a messaged appeared on my phone and I opened it.

To: Tyler

-Yeah, I can do that. Why? Where are we going?-

To: Aaron

-It’s a surprise. Just bring a bathing suit, extra pair of clothes, sweater, and idk anything else you want. Haha-

Smooth, Tyler, smooth.

To: Tyler

-Hahaha… yeah, okay. I’ll do that... It’s just a first date, why the surprises?-

To: Aaron

-A 2nd first date ;) lol. Night Aaron… :)

I locked my phone and set it on my drawar next to by bed before climbing in. I wrapped the covers over me and began to fall asleep. My phone buzzed once. I ignored it and started falling asleep again. Once more it buzzed. Ugh.  I slammed my hand on my drawer and grabbed my phone.

To: Tyler

-Ha-ha, very funny. Don’t screw with me dude.-

I laughed to myself and opened the next message.

To: Tyler

-Goodnight, Tyler. :3

A smile crept across my face and I found myself blushing. That’s weird and girly. I set my phone back on the drawer, getting comfy again. Of course my phone rings again. But this time it isn’t Aaron, nope it’s Kelsey. My ex girlfriend. The one I haven’t spoken too, in 3 months. 

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