Chapter 6

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She shut the door in my face. I was about to kiss her, we were this close and she stepped away. What is she so scared of? Its one kiss. I know she wanted to kiss me too but she refused it, twice. The look in her eyes and the heavy breathing. She wanted me to kiss her and she denied me. It just doesn't make sense. Well now I go home a loser. The one who couldn't get the girl to give him a simple kiss.

I climb into my car and stare out the window. 

"Dammit!" I shout and smack the stearing wheel. What is wrong with me? I could have any girl I wanted yet somehow I want this girl. The same girl I've wanted since 9th grade. No wonder my relationships after her only lasted a month. I was in love with her all these years and I was stupid enough to let her slip through my fingers.

I start my car and continue driving down the road. The smell of her perfume still lingers in the air and it brings an odd feeling to my stomach. What is that? Pain? Anger? Love? I imagine her hair flowing down by her waist and her dimples when she smiles. She's so beautiful. What am I doing. I have to go back! My foot slams on the brake and I make a quick turn heading back down her street. When I arrive at her house I don't even bother locking my car I jump out and run up her steps and knock a few times. I hear footsteps and my heart is beating fast. She opens the door and looks at me a little funny.

"Tyler, what are you doing-" I cut her off. My hands grip her face and pull her towards me. Our lips overlap and I pull her closer by her waist. I can smell her sweet perfume again. She's kissing me back, she wrapping her arms around my neck. This is perfect. When we finally break apart, we're both practically panting. I push her hair out of her face and look at her for just a few moments.

"I couldn't leave without kissing you. I just needed a reminder of what used to be." Suddenly her eyes went dull. She looked down and I could feel her pulling away. Not physically either. 

"I can't Tyler, I just can't." She keeps her head back to the ground and I can actually feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"No,  please Aaron. Don't" My lips are quivering like a little girl. I'm no longer trying to hold back this pool exploding from my eyes.

"No, I'm sorry Tyler." She's crying as well but why? She's not the one being rejected. I'm the one who is being shot down by the girl I love.

"Aaron, please I love you. I can't let you get away. Not this time. Please Aaron! Don't leave me again!" I'm on my knees begging her. I'm holding her hands and looking up into her eyes. She won't pick her head, I just need to see her face.

"Tyler please just go! Please." She pulls away and I watch her walk inside.

"Please..." I just barely choke out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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