Chapter 2

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What did I do to deserve this? I'm not the one that punched her in the face. She punched me! I'm not fond of her but sometimes I do wonder what happened to us. I was crazy about her. That girl made my head spin wild... I mean, it still does but not in the same way. Now she just irritates me. I can't believe I'm in here mopping the floors though. Shes washing the dishes thankfully. At least I don't have to look at her now. But I can hear her and that is annoying, not really though, she has a nice voice. 

"And I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me some how, your the closest to heaven that I'll ever be..." The sound of her singing that song caught my attention. I can't help but look over into the kitchen and see her lost in her own words. For some reason, everything she does bugs the crap out of me. I'm still staring at her and before I know it she catches me. I quickly turn my head and roll my eyes.

"Want to shut up? I'm trying to get this stupid work done in quiet. If I HAVE to be here I might as well try to enjoy it and that doesn't involve you talking." I tell her in a rude tone.

"You used to love my singing..." For a minute its almost as if shes sad. "But then again you love anything that has to do with a girl." And there it is. I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. She has always been good when it comes to comebacks. 

"Yeah well, well you dress like a boy!" She smiles at me and that makes me want to kill her even more.

"Ouch... That hurt." 

Well, that didn't end very well. When we were finaly done I was tired. This left me the feeling that practice was not going to work tonight. Usually I go home and take a nap so that I'm okay for basketball practice but now that I'm in hell working with the damn devil life is going to suck, basketball is going to be ruined and relationships won't get better.

 I just barely have enough time to get home, get my basketball stuff and leave for practice. The car won't start. Looks like my life is over. My eye lids are dropping and I'm wondering if I'm even going to survive the ride to basketball. If I don't leave in the next five minutes I'm screwed. I turn the key a few more times. Hoping, praying, pleading for a good result. Finally it starts! With one minute to spare! I roll the windows up and turn the radio on.

"WHOO! Off we go" I blast "Drank in my cup" as I'm flying down the road to my practice. Feeling awfully proud I'm able to get there in just enough time! I run into the school and smack into somebody. Falling to the ground. Someone smacked right into my chin.

"Damn. Watch where you're going!" I look up to see Aaron rubbing her head, with a black eye and tears running down her face. "Oh my god." I get up and help her off the ground. "Did I do that to you?!" I ask. Shes still rubbing her head as she answers.

"No! I'm rubbing my head. Idiot. You didn't do this to me, and you didn't make me cry either." She wipes her eyes and glances at me.

"Well Jeez Aaron, what the hell happened? And why are you here? You live right down the street, plus you left before I did." I asked.

"I did go home! But I came back 30 minutes ago after my da-- my damn cat ran under my feet and I fell into a door knob." Her words came off as worried. There had to be something more to this. The Aaron I know isn't clumsy. And when did she get a cat?

"Oh... alright then, you need help home?"

"Get outta here. I'm fine." She jumps on her skateboard and leaves me wondering what the hell just happened.  

"Well that was odd.." I mumble to myself. 

There's no time for wondering though, I have practice. 

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