Chapter 1

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Its way to early in the morning. Why does school even exsist? To torcher us? Probably so. I mean, sense when do people focus better when they have to wake up at 6 every morning? To me it seems  a little ridiculous but I don't make the rules. So here I lay, in bed praying that school will be cancelled. But  of course it isn't. 

"Great." I think to myself. "Now I have to get out of bed." What was I thinking? Why would school be cancelled in March. Especially a day after Vacation. Sadly, we've had a horrible Winter. The only snow we've had all season was in Febuary. Guess how long that lasted? One week. Big freaking deal. Anyways the mornings were getting lighter and I liked that. I could ride my skateboard to school everyday no problem. I guess I like being able to see the sun whenever I wake up.

The smell of the breeze, the warmth of the sun. Not to hot but not to cold. How the air is just right. I like the way the pavement feels under my skateboard.. or under my bare feet. There are so many things I adore about spring. Theres just something about it that makes me feel good.

I have no interest in getting fancy today. So I just slapped a blue sweater on over my black tank top, threw on some jeans, put my healies on, (duh! If I can't ride through school on the board I'll use the shoes!) and brushed my dark brown hair. On my way out the door I struggled to fix my bag onto my shoulder  and put my Mets hat on. Yes. I'm a Mets fan, don't hate!

For some reason, St. Albans feels different today. The air was much... cleaner. Today was going to be a good day. I rode to school smoothly, there was no bumbs in the road and it was a warm morning. When I got to school I met up with a couple of friends.

"Whats up Jones!" Collin called out to me. 

"Hey, Collin. Where are the rest of the guys?" 

"With Tyler of course." 

"Bro, I seriously don't like him. All of you are my friends too and he just takes you all!"

"Well... We are all kind of on his basketball team..."

"It isn't HIS basketball team. He's apart of the team. The only player whoes a demon from hell."

"Wow, you really got beef with the beef cake huh?"

"You have no idea." 

Collin is my best friend. But hes best friends with Tyler too. How? I don't know. The kid treats Collin like shit most of the time. I can't really control his feelings though so I don't do anything. Anyways we walk into class and take our seats. We seem to always be the first there. Probably because we don't waste time in the hall way with the Jocks. Even though Collin is a jock. HAHA. Whoa. 

"So hows life Aaron?"

"You know, Pretty relaxing. I'm the boss of me and I'm living life free just the way I like it." I place my feet of the desk next to mine and put my hands on the back of my head. Collin just laughs and shakes his head.

"Get your feet off the table Jones... and take off that hat." Well. Theres my horrible Science teacher. Oh I hate her so much. I drag my feet off the desk and hear them slam on the ground. 

"Now take your hat off Jones. I'm not playing this game with you this morning." 

"Oh Darn. So what game do you want to play? Cherades? Dominos?" I smile politely and bat my eyes. Collin gives me the look that says shut your trap. 

"Would you just be quiet bro." I turn my head to see Tyler.

"Probably not!"

"Your so obnoxious." I could feel my face turning red and I clenched my fists. 

"Don't do anything stupid Jones!" I hear Collin saying in my ear. But I can't help it. I swing my fist around and punch him right in the eye. Next thing I know hes knocked out of his chair laying face down on the floor. 

"Maybe that'll teach you to keep your mouth shut stupid!"

"Ah. You stupid bitch!"

"That's enough!" The teacher yells. "Both of you get your butts to the principals office!"

I charge out the room. I hate Tyler. I hate him so much. Hes a stupid jerk. Why does he have to be an ass all the time. Why can't he just be nice! Behind me I hear him cursing and mumbling under his breath. I walk past locker 124 and memories flush through my brain.

"Screw you!" I yell and I punch the locker. Tyler is not to far behind. He jumps at the sound of my knuckles hitting the metal of the locker. Great, now my knuckles are bloody. It doesn't matter anyways we're almost there. We both have to sit next to each other in the dumb small room. I hate it here so much. Of course Tyler annoys me even more by sitting in the seat to the left.

'Hey freackles. That's my seat." He gives me a dumb look.

"This isn't YOUR seat."

"That is where I sit  when I'm in here so MOVE." He immediately  gets up and leaves the seat  for me. It takes awhile for her to get into the office. For about 10 minutes we're sitting here in an uncomfortable silence. Maybe I could break the tension by punching him in the face again? Break his nose to break the tension? That probably wouldn't help much. I'm so good at school... I guess you could say. I get good grades but I don't have a good reputation. Perfect what are my parents going to say about this. I'll probably get hit again or slapped. Something bad is going to happen when I get home. Whatever, finally she decided to come.

"Sorry it took me so long there was an emergency." I like Mrs. Carson. Shes really nice and she gets me. I wish I was like her. Sweet and caring. 

"This animal punched me in the face!"

"Yeah and you called me a bitch!"

'YEAH! AFTER YOU KNOCKED ME OUT OF THE CHAIR!" K so he had a point. Whatever.

"Aaron... What are we going to do with you? Your always causing trouble I'm going to have to call your parents."

"No please don't!"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't!" I looked at Tyler hoping he'd get the point and leave. He seemed suprised that I cared so much whether or not my parents found out. Mrs. Carson had him step outside so that we could talk. I instantly burst into tears.

"Mrs. Carson please don't call my parents I'll do anything! I'll do community service or something just don't let my parents know. Plus its not all of my fault. Tyler edges me on. He purposley tries to get on my nerves!" 

"Aaron. Is there something you want to tell me? Something that is happening at home?" I shook my head. I couldn't tell her what happens or she would call social services. Which didn't really make any sense. I would be 18 on May 30 in exactly 2 months but there was no way I could risk getting put into a home. 

"I won't call your parents this time. But next time I will!" She called Tyler back in to talk to both of us. 

"Alright, for the next two months the two of  you will spend 2 hours after school making the lunch room look spotless."

"WHAT!" We said simutanuously. 

"No way am I working with her." I punched him in the arm.

"OW! And that is why! Come on I have all star basket ball for the rest of the year. I can't miss it."

"Oh well! I happen to know that this will not interfer with your basket ball Mr. Lion. You two used to be so close at the beginning of 9th grade and now look at you. Some time together will do you good. Now leave my office."

I couldn't believe what just happened. I had to spend my birtdhday with that stuck up jock. I headed back to class to tell Collin everything. The boy is going to be so surprised. Like, honestly I would rather go to school everyday in a dress. And I hate dresses. A lot. When I told Collin what happened he was surprised. Its almost like he didn't understand why I got in trouble. I kind of thought I was the one who should have gotten in trouble. Why did Tyler get in trouble?

I just realized how many times I said 'trouble'. But I can't help it! Trouble is racing through my mind. I'm not exactly sure if that is a good or bad thing. 

*Hey guys I'll be back with chapter two in no time! Sorry for the wait/: VOTE COMMENT !!! I like feedback(:

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