chapter one

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Breanna pov.
I was peacefully sleeping when i was rudely woken up when my twin brother tanner ran into my room screaming at me to wake up. "Breanna get up we have to go" tanner screamed at me. " where do we have to go?... wait if its to pick up quentin or dylan than i dont want to go." I said sitting up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "No we have to go to the airport to pick up one of my friends and i want you to meet him and quentin is going with us since he's here anyways" tanner said while trying to drag me out of bed. "But i dont want to go" i winned half because i didn't want to get out of my bed and half because i was joking around with him. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee breanna.... i will buy you taco bell" tanner said trying to bribe me which was working because i really wanted taco bell. "ok fine but only because I really want taco bell" i said giving in. "Yayyyyyyyyyy" tanner yelled like a little kid. "Just let me get dressed" i said laughing. "Ok" tanner said leaving my room. I finished getting dressed and just threw my hair in a messy ponytail.

 I finished getting dressed and just threw my hair in a messy ponytail

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Breannas outfit^

After i finished getting dressed i walked into to tanners room and told him i was ready to go, so him and quentin got up and tanner grabbed his keys as he walked out of his room. We walked up the stairs and when i got to the door i yelled " SHOTGUN" and ran to tanners car and got in and sat down before quentin could get it from me. "Fine but you have to move so that i can get in the car" quentin said coming closer to the car. I got out and let quentin in and then i got back in and sat down closed the door and put my seatbelt on. Tanner handed me the aux cord, so i plugged it in to my phone and played my favorite song of all time, he is the same by jon bellion. Tanner turned it up and drove to the airport.
We were almost to the airport when tanner saw a blue challenger and had to vlog it. After that we continued to drive, when we were pulling up to the airport tanner asked me to vlog for him so i grabbed his camera and started recording outside when tanner started talking so i turned the camera towards him. We parked the car and waited until we saw somebody coming up to the car. Tanner took his camera and started vlogging it. I didn't really look at who it was until now and i realized that it was tanner freaking fox - wait how did i not know that my brother was friends with him omg. I got out of the car as tanner was talking to fox. (AN : im just going to call tanner fox- fox and tanner braungardt - tanner) i grabbed foxes camera so that he could put his stuff in the car. When he was finished putting his stuff in the car i got in the back with quentin so that fox could sit in the front with tanner. Tanner handed me his camera and told me told vlog him, so i turned his camera on and he started to play big time rush, and said "he's gonna experience big time rush" i just laughed and then turned his camera off. We finally got to taco bell, "i promised breanna taco bell if she came with us so does anybody eles want something" tanner said to fox and quentin they both said yes so tanner ordered for us and payed. We got our food and continued our drive home. We finally got home and i was let out of the car. I grabbed the taco bell and ran inside and grabbed my food and went downstairs to my room ate brushed my teeth and then fell asleep watching family guy.

The next day

I woke up to the smell of pancakes so i got out of bed and ran upstairs and saw everybody eating so i got some and sat with the boys and ate my food. "We never actually meet last night, im tanner fox" fox said extending his hand for me to shake. "Im breanna im tanners twin sister. nice to meet you" i said shaking foxes hand. He smiled at me. " are you a youtubers?" He asked curious about what i do. " yeah tanner got me to start making them a couple of months ago. Im a flipper like him." I said to him " cool im a professional scooter rider" he said to me " yeah I've seen a couple of your videos, I've wanted to start riding scooter but i haven't bought a scooter yet" i explained. " cool i could teach you a couple tricks on my scooter if you like" he offered " yeah sure" i responded with a smile on my face. He smiled back and then we both got up a put our dishes away and then went outside. Both fox and tanner were vlogging so i decided that i should vlog so i went inside and went downstairs my room and grabbed my camera and started vlogging " what is up guys its your girl breanna back today with a new video, last night tanner quentin and i went to the airport to pickup one of tanners friends so i will show you when i get upstairs" i got upstairs and went outside a continued with the vlog "so right now everybody is flipping on the tramp so im gonna join them but first im with tanner, quentin, dylan, clay, and the person we went to go pick last night was tanner fox, and just so you guys dont get confused were calling tanner fox, fox" i said showing everybody " breanna were gonna flip into the pool so go put your bathing suit on" tanner said " ok ill be right back then" i said and then went downstairs to put my bathing suit on.

 Both fox and tanner were vlogging so i decided that i should vlog so i went inside and went downstairs my room and grabbed my camera and started vlogging " what is up guys its your girl breanna back today with a new video, last night tanner quent...

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Breannas bathing suit ^

After i put my bathing suit on i went upstairs and i went back outside i didn't grab a towel because i will just share with tanner. When i got out side they were all just flipping into the pool so i joined them. We were in the pool for a couple hours so we decided to get out and got do something else. I went downstairs and showered and put on this

After i was done i went upstairs to see the boys trying scooter tricks in the house, so we decided to go to a skate park so that we didn't brake anything in the house

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After i was done i went upstairs to see the boys trying scooter tricks in the house, so we decided to go to a skate park so that we didn't brake anything in the house.

Thank you guys so much for reading this. Its my first story so im really sorry if its bad
I will try and update a lot. Love you💕


tanner braungardts Twin sister (tanner fox fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now